Monday, March 30, 2020

Talking Tarkov #1 -- Podcast Transcript

Talking Tarkov #1 -- Podcast Transcript

The following is a transcript of the podcast titled "Talking Tarkov #1" that aired in April of 2018.

Link to source:

I will highlight what I consider key points spoken by Nikita in yellow.

Klean  0:03 
All right, welcome everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome to the podcast. This is our first ever talking Tarkov podcast -- welcome. Uh, we created this kind of as an outlet for you guys to basically, uh, be, as if you will, a dev blog to kind of show off game features, upcoming content, mechanics, and also just kind of talk about the game. We have a bunch of different talking points today. So here we have Kotton, DeadlySlob and COO of BattleStateGames, Nikita. So thank you guys for participating. It's great to have you guys here.

Nikita  0:36 
Everybody I, I'm like static picture. I don't have a camera. So my camera is kinda' you know...I don't have a camera right here at the office. So hi, everybody. Hello, chat. It's finally nice to be talking with you live and hey, Kotton. Hey Deadly. This first and you know, test of our future podcast thing.

Klean  1:07 
Alright, so the first talk for the other day and again, the idea of this podcast is to not be pester Nikita with questions but to actually just talk about the game, talk about mechanics, talk about whatever's going on within Tarkov so first we're gonna start with something super super basic and that is what is EFT, what is Tarkov, and what is Tarkov to you guys what do you guys see it as and what I want to ask cotton and what what do you feel like what is EFT to you? What do you feel like this game is to you in your eyes?

Kotton  1:34 
Um it really filled the void for me after Day Z Standalone lift me pretty dry not saying anything against Day Z I'm just saying it it fills a void for that that real survival type game I've been looking for -- the hardcore realism, you know, just all that noise.

Klean  1:51 
Okay, Deadly?

DeadlySlob  1:53 
Well, I'm just looking for a good like authentic survival shooter experience something with value. There's too many games out there right now where death means nothing. There's no drama, The firefights mechanics are just super weak with bloom and you're basically right clicking medical kits to green gain, like a health bar tarkoff kind of takes it to another level. And there really isn't anything out there like it. And I think it appeals to a lot of different gamers like people who come from Day Z, those types of backgrounds, there's like RPG elements in it as well with a Soft Skill system. And you just you have the freedom to just kind of do what you want. So I think Tarkov is in a really unique position right now and especially in a genre that is just full of bad games Tarkov shines pretty brightly right now in my opinion. So that's just the way I see it's the best survival shooter on the market right now. And I think a lot of people are drawn to that.

Klean  2:51 
It's definitely very unique. And Nik, like, since you created this, this is your game like what is like what is EFT to you like what is what is it that you want it to be? Exactly

Nikita  3:01 
First of all, EFT is my life. And this this position drives me in a different way. Because it's not not only like my lifestyle, it's what I like thinking of everyday. And I don't want to succeed like in person, I want this project to be unique to make as much people happy as possible. And this is kind of hardest for me because I can make everybody happy. And this is a real hard, hard one because everybody is unique also and wants from a game like EFT like different points, different mechanics and this is hard, hard part for me. So this is life and I-- this is the game of I always dreamed to make, like for 10 years or something and We, the company, the team also dreams so make such kind of game. And this is it. It's like their recreation of life in terms of simulation militaristic experience and we want to make the simulation as much realistic and you know, suitable for audience for hardcore players as much as possible. So that is it. I can't imagine my life without the EFT and without the process without the community reactions. It's, you know, it's kind of its kind of disease for me,

Klean  4:42 
 it's like a blessing and a curse.

Nikita  4:44 
Yeah, it's in a good way. And so this is this is Tarkov for me.

Klean  4:49 
I'm glad you said that because that that actually kind of takes us in to one of our next talking points, which is balancing realism hardcore versus fun, and like what is kind of considered fun hardcore and realistic and Kotton I want to know what you think what do you what do you think is like hardcore and realistic that can be fun and or unfun. But then or what is also fun when it comes down to a video game like you're saying you're just playing EPOC and you're saying where they standalone, it's a chore to get loot. Whereas with the server that you're playing on, it's like you can go out and get gear guns, it's fun, you know what I mean? You want to enjoy yourself.

Kotton  5:19 
I mean, EFT as it is is a lot of fun. That's why I play it so much. I love it to death you know. And I mean to differentiate like like the realism from the fun I guess I don't know I just didn't want to see them get too carried away with the realism I mean, the the mag reloading is okay and I know we need animations for the meds and all that totally agree you know, um, but I mean it just it's just fun because loot is available even if you're flat broke, you can go buy a PM from the traders make it happen. You know, it's just a fun game. I really wish. I mean, for me, the fun is definitely just the game itself, the movement mechanics, the physics of the guns, I mean, just everything feels so fluid and smooth and I So many other games had it, you know?

Klean  6:03 
Very valid points.

DeadlySlob  6:03 

Klean  6:04 

DeadlySlob  6:06 
Yeah, no. I think when it comes to realism right now, there's a lot of in the community that likes that fast paced play style. I think a lot of people know if you watch my streams, I'm running around at like max endurance max strength, making crazy moves with the hatchets, like, you know what I mean? Like, that's fun. That's not necessarily realistic. And we're kind of pushing to like that extreme level of it does take some out of it, like some out of the experience if you're able to do that. So like you guys just released the patch notes today. So like reducing the weapons sway, encouraging people to take, you know, more care of their shots by making sure that people have to spend the time to go for the reload. So, I mean, I think a lot of people that are more so into that traditional shooter, they're going to have some issues with that at first, but maybe over time, they'll kind of get it, they'll throw it out like this is gonna make an overall better experience. I suppose. For like the medical system like the medical system you're running around your gun right now and you just like mash painkillers you want that just mashing those painkillers popping the morphine and it's gonna make it more immersive I guess if that's like the end goal actually like whipping out like the AI to the pockets he's putting in the morphine actually physically seeing--

Kotton  7:21 
 Actually having like actually having to use it but we need

Klean  7:23 
Yeah, and that--

DeadlySlob  7:24 
Yeah, I think it's gonna be for teamplay too right having to get behind cover and apply your medication right and having your friends put down suppressive fire that's something that doesn't really happen all that much for the really isn't a need for that.

Klean  7:35 
Absolutely. And Nikita so when you're developing this game, you're saying that you want to make a game that will please everybody but it's also hard because you're trying to make this hardcore brutal, realistic battle simulator that, you know, a lot of people won't like that they don't they don't like the difficulty they don't like the challenge and how exactly do you and the team, you know, combat that with your your plans for development.

Nikita  7:59 
Fall, it's the whole thing called barriers, like we're lowers his barrier for the wide audience, we will give them that ability to play easier to have fun. And this would be like, was not actual amount of technical abilities like, you will just be able to play a game and that's it. But if you want to get into it to to take some hardcore action, you will need to adapt and learn and gain these tactical advantages. Right. And I think this is a perfect moment to show us this ammo loading feature that we will have in this patch. We have a special video yes..or no?

Klean  8:45 
Let me pull it up.

Nikita  8:47 
Yeah, so it's called-- yea.

Klean  8:49 
Yeah, videos. Let me try and fullscreen this thing with that.

Nikita  8:53 
So the video called is ammo EFT 08 ammo.

Klean  8:57 
I got it.

Nikita  9:00 
So yeah this is this is what like will be in this in this page about ammo loading and checking.

Klean  9:09 
...Was on the wrong capture method. Here we go.

Nikita  9:17 
Okay I'm just like watching the stream right now and due to delay I think--

Kotton  9:24 

Nikita  9:25 
It's delayed a bit...yeah, guys in chat, uh, we have a bunch of videos to show you today. It's not like the full lineup of the videos and features. We will add them, we will show you next week. There will be lots, lots more like features oh and right now as you can see the video is running--

Klean  9:46 
And what I'm looking at too because I know this is going to be tied to the school this looks pretty more or less balanced. It's not taking like 30 seconds to load up with a thirty round mag.

DeadlySlob  9:53 
I was actually expecting it to go a lot longer and take time. So that's actually pretty reasonable. Nikita, like is how fast Is there like is there ever going to be unique reload animations? And like is that going to affect the reload speed? How is that going to look?

Nikita  10:09 
There will be unique animation so the problem is we have a lots of magazines.

DeadlySlob  10:14 

Nikita  10:15 
We need to make a lot of animations. And right now, in this patch, we'll have new parameters from for magazines like with different types of magazines you will be able to boost up your reload and ammo loading sequences like the you know, the magazines with the with the windows, the some kind of representation of amounts of ammo you have in particular magazine, and this will boost the speed of loading. And it's all we'll be like, gathered in the animation system.

Klean  10:49 
And I just noticed you here in the video, if I pull it back here a bit when he checks his mag--

Kotton  10:53 
 Shows a question mark.

Klean  10:55 
Yes, the question mark on one magazine--

Kotton  10:57 
I actually like it--

Klean  10:57 
...and then on the other mag with the window, I notice as soon as like if you have the M4 mag with the window you can actually get a more accurate count because you can actually see the ammo but as soon as you get to a certain amount of ammunition throughout the window you can't see the ammo anymore so you can't you don't even count when you get low I like that a lot. It's like really small details like that is, in my opinion, why Tarkov is such a great game it's like the tiny little details that paint up this big picture.

DeadlySlob  11:18 
Oh yeah, I just noticed the--

Kotton  11:19 
I like I like how they I just liked how they brought it back to where you can't just hit tab and see your, your ammo count unless you do a mag check that that that is legit--

Klean  11:28 
if you notice--

DeadlySlob  11:28 
And the more mag checks you do the higher Soft Skill you get and the better your character gets--

Klean  11:34 
The better at it you'll get--

Klean  11:34 
And notice that the beginning to you have to, uh, at the beginning here before he loads the ammo you can go in your inventory and I'm guessing that means check mag and then it gives you a count and it lets you know this full--

Nikita  11:43 
Yeah, so there well be ability to check there and the magazine in your inventory. And we have a new skill called "Mag Drills". It will boost up your mag drill--

Klean  11:54 
That's awesome.

Nikita  11:55 
So You will--

Kotton  11:55 

Nikita  11:56 
So yes so the mag make check mag check and ammo loading unloading is not linked to a mastery level anymore it's linked to a new skill.

Klean  12:05 
That's cool. Yeah, I think that balances out well and you know, it definitely makes it so that players don't have to focus on one specific gun just to get that benefit to check their ammo

DeadlySlob  12:15 
Can we also like appreciate the moment is that new helmet there as well new pistol--

Klean  12:19 
We got more videos to show off we got a lot of good stuff. We got about eight, nine videos to show off today.

Kotton  12:23 
About to say. That PM has a 20 round mag.

Kotton  12:26 
That's not a PM. Hmm.

Nikita  12:28 
It's it's a it's a pappa PM.

Klean  12:30 
The pappa PM! The big boy pappa PM.

DeadlySlob  12:33 

Klean  12:34 

Nikita  12:36 
Okay. We we just like this day we uploaded, like posted the patch notes of this upcoming patch and there we have a small document representing the new feature. So every point this feature mag loading unloading and checking. You can read it in this document So there's a lot of you know, cases. And most of all, we need to understand what's EFT? Like, what's EFT for a wide audience what's EFT for a beta players,  for those who haven't bought it yet, EFT is a testing platform. To make the ultimate militaristic simulation, the testing platform. So you, you always should keep this in mind. So--

Kotton  13:23 
Yeah, you're saying that things are always subject to change. Yeah, we get.

Klean  13:27 

Nikita  13:28 
Yeah. So yeah, that, you know, the timeouts, like the delays in ammo checking, and stuff that will be tweaked will be balanced. And if the wide audience will not like it, and it's not like, easy, it's not like this, like like, you just well don't like it and we we will set change something Yeah.

Klean  13:52 
Kind of, you know, see if you can tweak it to where it's not changing it from the core feature where you guys want the studio where you feel it's hardcore, but where something the audience will will enjoy and they don't feel as too overbearing. I

Kotton  14:02 
I also think that people need to realize this game is geared for a hardcore audience. It's not going to be as casual as, let's say Fortnite. You don't just install it and start playing, you know. So I think that trying to appeal to a huge wide audience, you know, don't really give that too much thought because there's always gonna be people who are mad, you're not gonna make everybody happy, just like you said, you know?

Klean  14:24 
Yeah, absolutely. And one thing I noticed with the mag the mag loading is the one thing that's always bothered me with EFT is that full auto spray, and I noticed that patch notes recoil is increased by 20%. Now people aren't really going to be able to you know, just lay down prone and spray refill their mags instantly anymore, they're actually gonna have to conserve their ammo, pick their shots more. And also, there's also the ammo rebalance coming in as well, which actually buffed a lot of the ammo so it's going to take less shots to take people down, which is also going to be nice. So I'm really looking forward to a lot of these changes.

Nikita  14:51 
So yeah, this updates consists of many different tweaks to battle, to combat system. So the Tarkov may change. I think, personally, I think that the Tarkov will change in terms of combat and firefight.--

Klean  15:08 
I agree it was--

Nikita  15:08 
New a new ammo, your new weapons way. Your lovely aim punch was increased by six times. I'm joking.

Klean  15:18 
Yes, I love this. Yes, I love looking behind me when I get shot.

Kotton  15:23 
Don't do that. My heart sank.

Nikita  15:26 
So yeah, this is the perfect moment to join the EFT this patch to see the progress. We did-- we done to, you know, the whole balancing thing. And it's not even, you know, in final station--

Klean  15:43 
And you said you're only like what 3% finished with the advanced features, but--

Nikita  15:47 
it's, it's, it's 6%--

Klean  15:49 
6%? Okay. Thank you. So it's going up, going up. All right.
Nikita  15:56 

Klean  15:57 
So let's go ahead and go into our next talking point. So if t so we already kind of covered EFT's development direction, which is like you know, hardcore realistic features making a brutal battle simulator, we kind of already went over that. So Nik, I want to ask you what was kind of like the focus for the team right now obviously, you guys are working on this patch, you're working on optimizing Interchange, and stuff like that everybody wants to know when the patches when the wipe is everything like that. So if you give us like a little explanation about what's going on in studio.

Nikita  16:23 
Right now, it's kind of you know, the "Vietnam" in studio. So everybody's working and uh l-- right now I'm sitting here at the office and like, the bunch of guys is working right now and listening to this podcast. And there is a goal for us to make this patch you know, beautiful, and without bugs and you know, to bring you this experience to bring you know, that the the right condition of it, and right now we are focusing on it, because this is you know, the goal right now. But in general, we are working towards the game, and, you know, release and oh and other, like, big milestones of development like OBT and stuff. So there is a there is a plans, list of upcoming features and we started to work towards them in more professional way. We like redesigning the whole pipelines in the company to make sure everything will work well, like the communication will rise and stuff. So it's like no, lots of management changes is going on right now. But in general, just about the development process, we are focused on the experience. We want to we want to make a game that perfectly, you know...I forget the word. Perfectly transit the--our feelings and our you know--

Klean  18:08 
Like what you guys want the game to become?

Nikita  18:10 
Yeah. Understanding understanding of the whole process like in my head I perfectly see where is EFT like in one or two years. But we need to transfer these thoughts, this philosophy into a game and right now we are working on it and trying to make the game better and better and better. This linked to our optimizations, net code improvements. And like this is half of work right now because we want to make this experience your experience better when without any rage quits and, and other things. So we want to make the game run, run really well. Like, smoothly and without any problems. And we try it we will really, really try and so hard to make it right now. And of course, lots of features to implement and like, half of the team is working on core, like core features and optimizations and then other things and other part half working on features and content for us.

Klean  19:17 

DeadlySlob  19:18 
Nikita, if you don't mind me asking, like, what--if you can maybe just summarize it what like in two years from now, what is that vision that you're trying to go after? Like, it's like, how? How do you feel like I we all know, the game is really not going to be playing as it is now. Like, we're definitely just getting a bit of a taste of what is to come. Like, what is that? What is that vision like word you like? What do you think the average player experience is going to be like, in two years time? I know it's a big question. It's a question. So just like summarize it, like if you can.

Nikita  19:52 
I think we are going in the right direction right now. And everything is kind of like a pieces of the puzzle. It's you It's can--coffee please-- fit in all together for one fall into place yeah slowly yes and for my for my points everything is going right and it one or two years he will defin--they will definitely notice some changes like there will be more this hardcore features so enrich this, you know, the whole hardcore militaristic stuff. So it will be not like totally different game. The soul of the game will be intact. Yeah. But there will be like different angles different, you know, points parameters. So to make the feel of a game world and the gameplay better and more consistent. So this is kinda' it's so it's all about it. We we con-- we will constantly add this mechanics disruption parameters to enrich this world and to give you so many, you know, abilities to play in many, many, many different ways. And this will be able, we will do it exactly with implementing lots of features and you know, balancing stuff with the help of the community of course--

Klean  21:22 

Nikita  21:23 
Because the community Yeah, because the community is you know, is the drive really, like not not only like, you know, the some blinking red light, like if something goes wrong, they drive us they drive us out to make the game.

Klean  21:40 
Yeah, because they because I know when we spoke yesterday in Discord. Uh, you're saying there's a lot of features and mechanics, that community that were community driven and or suggested, do you have any like that you can list off right now that were more or less suggested, mainly by the community that will possibly be added the game

Nikita  22:00 
Yes. The community could be not good at all community could be toxic.

Klean  22:09 
Tell me about it.

Nikita  22:10 
Yeah, I need to know. I need to put it in the right words. So--

Klean  22:15 
Actually, you've already changed some stuff based on feedback. like think about the old school dead limb. When you had a blacked limb, one bullet would kill you. You all change that. And everybody's been happy ever since, you know, stuff like that, or maybe changing where stuff is located in the Traders. You've done that. That helps a lot to you know, just little things like that. Yeah.

DeadlySlob  22:35 
Key spawn adjustments. Yeah, well, that's a huge one.

Klean  22:38 
Scav adjustments.

Kotton  22:41 

Klean  22:41 
You know, uh player spawns was a big one, too. That was a big one.

Nikita  22:45 
You know, there was a time when you had at 30 like 10 or 50 seconds desyncs, remember? Yeah. Yeah. So there was that there was such times like when you try to pick up something and waiting for 20 seconds

Klean  23:01 
Just flashing, flashing.

DeadlySlob  23:03 
They're also using like 15 minut Factory queues.

Klean  23:06 
[Lots of talking]--it's definitely getting better since they alpha.

Klean  23:09 
I mean, it's saw improvements.

Nikita  23:11 
Yeah, but it's not perfect because, you know, the problem is we are implementing stuff like, features content. And we try to optimize the game by rewriting the "Old Evil Code". And usually, it usually leads store another bunch of bugs and another bunch of, you know, bad moods and misunderstanding in the team. And sometimes the retrospective like if you else, turn and watch back and see how, how had how it was like before, and this leads to different conclusions. This is a really good thing about the community. So yeah, we had, we have a list of, uh, upcoming features and we have a, you know, the part of it with actually with the new the good ideas from the community so I personally love when the guys like like like the community members trying to you know to present somthi--

Klean  24:18 
Make like a really nice constructive posts like it's really well made--

Nikita  24:21 
Yeah, it's like like a presentation--

Klean  24:23 
Yeah, they make like panels-- like I remember it you actually added a feature this patch where that was suggested by the community which was when you're inspecting your weapon instead of in the scroll wheel to use your attachments it just in one block and then you made that Photoshop. They showd you like this is what it should look like. And you guys did exactly that.

Nikita  24:40 
Yeah, yeah. In that video, just be short with show. Just just a second ago, a minutes ago, there was this new inspector window with the you know, with the new layouts of mod mod icons. So yeah. This is good. For us. This is good. This is good for use...very good. So it's not like we're using our your idea and your your ideas making us rich, totally not at all. So we just want to make this game I want to make this game like to to, to to get some you know point of your soul like to get there and and sit there forever. [jumbled]--if you understand what I was meant to say so...

Klean  25:35 
Why don't why don't we go ahead and show off a couple of the new videos because I know there's some new guns here we have some new items and attachments and stuff as you can show off--

Nikita  25:43 
So yeah in general I want to say that this patch is coming soon "tm" and there will be a lot of materials to show you. So right now we just prepared something to show you on this, this podcast. Something cool stuff, some cool stuff.

Klean  26:02 
Let's go ahead and show off a gun. Ya know somebody a lot of people really, really want and we're winning this for a long time. So let's go ahead and get this started up and played. Here we go boys...that M1A

Nikita  26:20 
Yeah, that's a story but the story behind the M1A is kinda' stupid. So when I when I was selecting something to create a new in terms of weapons, I just wanted to create M-- M14, like the milli-- the military grades M14--

Klean  26:38 

Nikita  26:40 
Yeah, but when I started when I started to, like, get some info and the internets I discovered that Springfield had M1A and I for some reason, I decided that this is the actual military code of M14. So this is a-- this is not like military version of it it's like the...

Klean  27:09 
Civilian? Civilian?

Nikita  27:11 
Civilian, yeah, it is civilian version of M14 but it's not like-- it's not like hard to make its full automatic M14 so it will be. Definitely.

Klean  27:20 
I know they have the militarized versions they usually call them it's like the MK18 Mod 0 they have, like, the rail for SOCOM---

Nikita  27:28 
Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. That will be. We already we already have a different barrels even chasis--

Kotton  27:35 
Those animations are so good--

Klean  27:37 
They are so so pretty.

Kotton  27:38 
You see him actually cock his thumb back to grab the charge handle and then his hand opens to grab the bullet like that--

Klean  27:44 
The animation team is insanely good. Let's go ahead and show off another gun here. And I'm sure any guys any of you guys who love shotguns are definitely gonna love this one.

Nikita  27:54 
Yeah, there's a new shotgun, uh, with lots of customization ability.

Klean  28:00 
So, so now that we're watching we're-- we got a shotgun here what what is uh one of the like kind of conflicts-- 'cause people like using shotguns but when people have so much armor in game-- and now we do have the face hitboxes now so shotguns will most likely be a lot better now but what's one way like shotguns could possibly be more effective in the future? Like could they like knock somebody down? Could they like make them have like massive weapons sway when they get shot? Like, cuz, they're kind of just like not as good as the other guns in terms of damage and performance.

Nikita  28:29 
Right now in this patch will as you read the description of the patch notes we want to implement a new heads damage system. It's modular based, like, hit zones and it will consists of different different zones of head like, uh...

Klean  28:56 
Does it depend on the helmet that you're wearing?

Nikita  28:57 
Eyes, eyes, jaws, ears...Yeah and then the helmets and the protection of-- additional protection of helmets will like cover this zones.

Klean  29:09 

Nikita  29:09 
And will.. it will be like realistic model of head damage and right now if you will try to shot from a shotgun with the buckshot like in a head you will definitely have a chance to kill a guy with the for-- with the Fast MT

Klean  29:28 
Okay. Cuz, like, his whole face will be exposed but if he's wearing the mandible [jumbled] the face mask maybe he may be able to take one shot maybe two.

Nikita  29:36 
Yeah, but you will have more chances with the with the shotgun.

Klean  29:39 

Nikita  29:40 
First, the second one-- we will-- we were planning to-- plan to-- to make such kind of such as advanced armor on this armor.

Klean  29:53 
Yeah, it's the MOLLE attachment system you're talking about where you'll be able to place--

Nikita  29:57 
It's like the first one of it but we are talking about some implementing some new parameters in the armor vests like--

Klean  30:05 
So you mean like--

Nikita  30:06 
Repairability, different types of ammo-- or different types of damage and blunt blunt damage also so blunt damage if you will shoot with with a shotgun and slugs to like--

Klean  30:21 
Kinetic damage? Kinetic-- like it will, will, will punch you in the chest like if--

Nikita  30:26 
It will punch you in the chest and the shotguns will be more useful--

Klean  30:30 

Nikita  30:31 

Kotton  30:32 
Yeah. That's what we need right now because just like clean said shotguns are a little underwhelming--

Klean  30:37 
I watched, uh, ChickenPrism. He like shot some guy with Fort like eight times with a slug. And if that was real life, that guy would be on the ground with his ribs broken, pretty fucked up. You know, granted, if it was a smaller caliber, It'd be fine but it'd be nice to see the shotguns kind of make a comeback. And I think really what the face hitbox is being implemented, that's really going to make them good because it'll be pretty easy to land head shots. If you just shoot somebody in the face with buckshot like it's just gonna take right there in their face and you should be able to take him down.

Kotton  31:04 
Yeah, that should help.

Nikita  31:06 
Oh, you procede please--

Klean  31:10 
That was it. I'm done.

Nikita  31:12 
Okay, I'm reading the chat right now and some of them are some of the guys thinking I'm frozen kind of seizure...

Klean  31:20 
No. Nikita doesn't have a webcam up guys I just put this sexy picture of him up there...

Multiple at once  31:28 
[Overlapping speaking]

Kotton  31:31 
...that you don't look Russian so I would just ignore the chat.

Klean  31:34 
Yeah, I am going to have to put it in subscriber mode here and every now and again just because people are being pretty toxic.

Nikita  31:39 
Yeah. I need to make another pictures and some also I could see that some somebody wants me to improve my English and as you can see and understand English is not my perfect language--

Klean  31:53 
He probably speaks better English than you. Shut up.

DeadlySlob  31:55 

Kotton  31:56 
Your-- your English is fine--

Klean  31:58 
[jumbled] Yeah. Nikita, don't worry about them and you're doing you sound great. Everybody's understanding what you're saying.

Nikita  32:03 
I see the point I'm taking everything very personal.

Klean  32:07 

Nikita  32:08 
As I said your-- yesterday, so yeah, okay. Don't mention it.

Klean  32:13 
These are these are people on the internet people from Reddit....Don't worry about them. Let's talk about the game. Let's talk about what matters. Not these "ree people".

Nikita  32:23 
What's what's the next point?

Klean  32:25 
Okay. So next next point is guns, gear gadgets that are not planned, but would fit in the world of Tarkov. So like maybe drones, PDAs, kind of gadgets and stuff that you guys feel like it could be useful and Tarkov Like, right now me Kot playing Arma 3: Exile and there's a feature when you have a GPS and you have it on your body, you can actually see your buddy on the map via a marker, which will really help with friendly identification. Because one thing with Tarkov that a lot of people like and also don't like is that team play can be really hard because there's there's really no way to know who's Friend or Foe because there's no karma system. I mean, if there's a karma system, you can easily identify who's a BEAR and who's a USEC but There's no really real way to like see if somebody is a part of--

Kotton  33:04 
I think it's I think it's more or less that after a week or two of a fresh wipe everybody's wearing the same or using the same guns because like eventually some kind of a meta breeds like right now everybody's in fast and forward item fours and sometimes it's very I have numerous clips of me just walking up and joining a squad they don't realize that because I look just like their homie so yeah, it is a bit weird we need markers or something.

DeadlySlob  33:28 
Well armbands are coming right?--

Klean  33:29 
One thing yeah one thing I was gonna say-- I think they'd be cool cuz you know, Kotton mentioned armor and like same gear and stuff like that. What about the possibility of having faction specific Traders that have only gear that say a USEC or a BEAR can buy from the trader like only bear in BlackRock or BEAR they have like maybe specific types of armor, but if you kill them, like obviously you can take it off them and loot it but you know, at the gate, you can stock your stash up with like unique chests that are specific to a faction.

Kotton  33:54 
Like you said, that's kind of a temporary fix--

Klean  33:56 

Kotton  33:56 
Because after a while people are absolute on ball, that foreign gear and you Yeah...

Klean  34:00 

Nikita  34:01 
What what can--What can I say? First the idea to have to, like, separate traders for for different factions is, like-- it was planned a long time ago but right now we don't have an exact amount of content to you know to divide the stuff--

Kotton  34:22 
Understandable, yeah--

Nikita  34:23 
Yeah understandable. Have a nice day. [laughs]

Nikita  34:27 
So the second one is we will have a new trader and he will create clothing and--

Klean  34:37 
Gear like vests, armor--

Nikita  34:39 
Yeah. And and this cloth--this clothing only like pants, boots and stuff like grouped like an upper part of the full body and the lower parts of the body. It will be linked to your faction. So, you will have lineup of items of this clothing just for BEAR if you are BEAR and you We'll have another lineup of clothes if you're USEC so they will never cross--

DeadlySlob  35:06 
Now do you guys plan on, like, having unique tasks that you have to complete to unlock different customizable items from that trader or is everything going to be sort of set up the way it is now by like a four-trader system like a four-level system

Nikita  35:21 
I think could be changed like everything depends on how it will go--

Klean  35:27 
Personally, I think you should be on level you can unlock it. So the higher level you are you get cooler close, like you know, eventually--

Kotton  35:33 
I know people have said I'm using dog tags as a currency--

Klean  35:38 
That's a good idea--

Kotton  35:38 
USEC dogtag to get better gear--

Klean  35:41 
I like that--

Nikita  35:41 
It will be-- like, in thi spatch, if there is such kind of feature. We will have a new like scheme of trading, which will include the dog tags as a like the items to trade.

Kotton  35:57 
Okay. They're an actual currency now can you still sell them for money or no?

Nikita  36:01 
Yeah, yeah.

Klean  36:02 
How much are they gonna be worth? Because one thing that I noticed last wipe one of the issues was that dog tags were incredibly expensive and it made it so people could get money super, super quick and it kind of oversaturated the economy a bit and they kind of got rid of like the-- because like one thing I love about Tarkov and like I love wipes is the grind. The grind is one of the biggest reasons why I play the game. I love like going from PP 19 to AKUs, to AK74Ms to M4s and eventually working my way up but one of the issues I noticed last week was just like money was super easy to get loot was everywhere and everybody was getting so much gear so quick. It kind of just got over saturate and that's you know, one of the reasons why people aren't really playing right now is because there's been wipe in a while, there's gear everywhere, people are just kind of going in factory spamming grenades all over the place. There's just so much gear-- granted like I love the combat and Tarkov The combat is amazing. But also people like that grind and people like grinding up. And that--

DeadlySlob  36:51 
They also like items having value

Klean  36:53 
--Exactly! Having value like-- you know one thing I know, Nick mean, you spoke about this many times. It's like it'd be really good cool to see again you know the loot tables like the really rare guns like an RSASS that's argued-- that's easily the best gun in the game does the most damage can shoot the furthest it does the has the best pen, everything like that. Usually people can roll around in squads with those, but what I would like to see is like those high value guns, the very best guns in the game. You can't buy them, you can't find them. But you have to find the parts in the environment and slowly build them up over time. So like, Oh, sweet, I found the barrel. Shit, I found, the low receiver, found the buttstock or maybe some of the items could be on the traders.

Kotton  37:01 

DeadlySlob  37:04 
Thats actually not a bad idea--

Klean  37:28 
That way--

Kotton  37:28 
Kind of what we were trying to encourage that with the green crates is finding just a variety of weapon parts to collect and slowly build your own guns. That would be a mini-game in itself. Yeah, I would love that.

DeadlySlob  37:38 
That's what I've been doing basically the "hardcore challenge". It's made me realize how awesome that system could be right like having to actually go and find every attachment that you want to build back weird gun, you get some pretty interesting combinations

Klean  37:50 
'Cause back in the alpha you use to find and-- I don't know if you guys played in the alpha that much but used to be able to find M4s and build them and that was like my favorite thing to do because I'd find the receiver and then I'd find like the And the gas block and the stocks and eventually I'd just build these enforce just just by looting and that encourages players to actually go to these spots and loot and not just you know run to the market room and and get get the gun or run to the spot they actually have to try and scavenge

Nikita  38:15 
Okay, well again say it will be reimplemented in the future Okay, so right now we-- cuz it's like really simple if he wants to spawn a weapon right now and we can't spawn like the receiver of it. It will be like the setup for fully, you know, operable weapon but we plan to redesign it and make this kind of meta games like to you know, to make your own the game from-- [frustrated]--make the weapon from scratch. And yeah, it's planned definitely it's planned. Also, in this patch, there will be cool new stuff like preset weapons spawns. Some-- there will be some cool shop in Interchange mall...we will--Yeah, you will see some cool weapons it's--Yeah, but yeah, it's like fully modded stuff. Like--

Kotton  39:12 
Oh you're, you're bringing it back the "super weapon spawns" that's what we used--

Klean  39:15 
Oh, yeah the "god guns" like six lasers, seven scopes...

Kotton  39:19 
Yeah, you could find the guns that have random loadouts  those are nice. Yeah.

Nikita  39:23 
And also we want we want to make some cool stuff with this pres--preset feature like, if you will build a weapon like SOP MOD II,  for example, by, by a specification, you will receive a special naming like M4 "SOP MOD II".

Klean  39:44 
Okay. It'll have like a unique

Klean  39:45 that's cool. 'Cause that-- I know you have one of those in the traders already it's the the flat dark earth one with like the suppressor and the AimPoint and the Elcan. So like we're gonna' be finding guns like that in the environment or we could find Zenit Co. AK in the environmental with like suppressors and scopes and stuff. That's cool--

Nikita  40:03 
And also the variety of different uh, you know, findings, it's it's usually depends of overall content amount in the game. So we, like we like--- lots of things are going to be implemented in the next month--months. So we just need to wait and the variety will expand and we will have more like abilities, more weapons, more more loot tables, like more interesting kinds of ones. So that's it--

Klean  40:33 
You know, now that we're on the topic of loot, I think this would be a good time to show off a couple more videos have some items coming in that will be in this next update. Let's go--

Nikita  40:41 
I recommend you--I recommend you to show the EFT 08 Siaga

Klean  40:46 
Siaga? Okay. Oh, yeah, but the 10 round mag you say?

Kotton  40:49 
Give us some drums? Oh...

Klean  40:51 
Where's that video? Did I?..

Nikita  40:52 
Drums, drum, drums are planned.

Klean  40:54 
Oh, God. I really I really hope you make the drum mags and shit and the 60 rounders four by four cells so they have to have a specific chest rig at least but that's just me--people would "ree" at me anyway

Kotton  41:03 
Would you?--No, no--

Klean  41:04 
I hate you, Klean! I hate you!

Kotton  41:08 
I hate you. [laughs]

Klean  41:09 
[gun sounds] Oh my god. Oh my goodness...

Kotton  41:19 
We dont' see the video yet--

DeadlySlob  41:20 
We don't see it yet, Klean!--

Kotton  41:22 
Okay, Okay, here we go commentate. No dust cover? Unplayable--

Klean  41:27 
I hate you.

DeadlySlob  41:28 

Klean  41:28 
Let's watch that again.

DeadlySlob  41:29 
Holy shit.

Klean  41:31 
That's awesome. Look at that.

Kotton  41:34 

Nikita  41:37 
So the amount of items in this patch is kind of big. There's lots of gear elements, lots of mods, weapons ,like, there will be I think five-- four...four different weapons. It's this Remington shotgun. It's M1A...

Klean  41:57 

Nikita  41:59 
APS. We didn't didn't show the APS.

Klean  42:05 
Yeah, we can show that right now.

Nikita  42:07 
You're too fast and all the videos is gonna...

Klean  42:10 
Go away quick--true. We-- Oh yeah, we'll wait-- we'll make y'all wait a little bit. You guys, we'll see it "soon TM".

Nikita  42:16 
Yeah, so, yeah, items right now EFT consists of like, nearly 2000--- 2000 items already in a closed beta. So I think it's, it's not so bad. So it's pretty, like big amounts of, of items that we have, but it's not enough because there is a lot to come. Lots of, you know, mods. There will be some cool type of mods called "elite mods", they will give you some special abilities...

Klean  42:50 
Like the thermal scope.

Nikita  42:52 special abilities--

DeadlySlob  42:55 
Like access to different types of breaches and things like that?

Nikita  42:58 
Maybe, maybe, maybe you will--

Klean  43:00 
I know a features plan with EOD hatchet as the crowbar that. I know you're going to be able to breach open doors with that thing.

DeadlySlob  43:06 
There's a crowbar?

Klean  43:06 
Yeah, there's little crowbar on the bottom of it.

DeadlySlob  43:09 
Oh nice.

Klean  43:09 
That'll be cool.

Nikita  43:12 
We'll see.

Klean  43:13 
Okay...A little leak...

Klean  43:15 
We leaked that a while ago. We leaked it.

DeadlySlob  43:15 
Since we're on the topic of like gear and gadgets. This has been a question that I've been getting a lot and that's about the compass and watch slot. Because like, you know, whenever you're like moving around the world, you can look down and see your watch that's facing towards you. And I was wondering if you guys thought about implementing the compass there or having--

Kotton  43:35 

DeadlySlob  43:35 
You leaked--Okay

Nikita  43:37 
Yeah, there will be two compasses. First one is like you said, nearly the watch, near the watch. The paracord--

Klean  43:43 
Like a digital, digital compass. It'll show like you're bearing--

Nikita  43:47 
Not, not digital. The smaller one, and you will have standalone compass like military grade compass.

DeadlySlob  43:56 

Nikita  43:57 
Yeah. Electric--electronic version with GPS functionality

Klean  44:02 
GPS? So is it possible since going kind of going back for the, you know, identifying your teammates? Is it possible that that GPS feature could have to do something with a group feature--

Nikita  44:13 
I can--I can tell you more something about identification of a players so IR, IR beacons, like, you will be able to place them on your gear Oh, use a flashing strobe light and your night vision--

Klean  44:27 
IR strobes on helmets...

Nikita  44:29 
Arm bands, and arm bands and different clothing also will--and different faces. Finally, we are ready. We are ready now.

Klean  44:43 
I want to have a beard. Let me get my USEC beard--

Nikita  44:45 
 Oh yeah, I forgot. I forgot to tell this super, you know, very important part of this upcoming update--

Klean  44:52 
Washing hands?

Nikita  44:53 
...This year--- or not that. That is the secret one...beard shaving and the hand washing.

DeadlySlob  45:03 
Man, I needed the hand washing. Thank you. Thank you,

Nikita  45:06 
Uh, your favorite USEC character, this lizard face, you know, alien will be changed.

Klean  45:15 
Ah, yes, the weird crocodile man. [jumbled]

Kotton  45:20 
Can we also put all USEC hatchlings in a pink t-shirt, but that'd be a thng?

Kotton  45:23 
Could we just, like kill the hatchlings if they join a server? You know? No. Okay, so now that you know, we mentioned the Hatchling, so Nikita so we know that Hatchlings, you know, it's like-- we call-- they're like the "Bambies" of Tarkoff; Hatchlings. They just run around, they run straight to the loot spawns really fast to get the loot. Like, what kind of features and or ideas do you guys have in the studio to kind of combat players like kind of going in just with hatchets? Because one of the worst things about the game is when you go in fully geared and you go in to Factory, and then there's just five Hatchlings in that raid and there's no fights, you just go in there and just mow them down and it's really boring to get dog tags and that's it.

Nikita  46:02 
You know, this is open conversation because we have we have a we have a lot of different, you know, possible implementations, to know to to blend this whole thing in the game to more realistic way because it's not kind of realistic when you have lots of people in the in the t-shirts running with hatchets it's real at all. So, for example, the limitation of joining the servers when you don't have enough, you know, Survival Rates. And if your gear score below something, or this particular Factory location is just only for sandboxing Hatchlings, or some or some kind. So we need to test it out. But I personally think the Hatchlings although it's not so real, as like, I didn't even plan that Hatchlings will exist in the game--

Klean  47:00 
It's--It's hard. It's hard--

Kotton  47:01 
It's one of unforseen things--

DeadlySlob  47:02 
It's annoying--

Klean  47:03 
And it's hard. It's hard to like combat that too, because like you could implement a gear score, but people might complain about that. Or you could try and make the game harder, but then they'll complain about that, you know what I mean? It's just really touchy subject--

Kotton  47:12 
My idea. My idea was just like, when you guys get your Scavs optimized, just more Scavs, you know, maybe like in the dorms, there'll be one in every other room sleeping or whatever. So when a Hatchling runs to the "Marked Room", he actually has you know, risk, consequence there's gonna be people they're like, you know, maybe the Shoreline resort should have just a lot more Scavs--

Klean  47:33 
Just chillin, they're just chilling there in the hallway. They don't move they're just waiting for somebody--

Kotton  47:37 
Because this will also kill more than just that. This will help new players feel more accomplished coming to the game, more action on maps, the maps will be more alive with more Scavs. Things like--

Klean  47:46 
And it makes sense to because like in an MMO you want to go into the raid or an instance and you want to get the good loot. There's bosses there's people you have to fight. There's conflict.

Nikita  47:56 
Okay, bosses.

Klean  47:56 
Yeah, but right now, like you kind of go in and there's nobody at dorms or nobody There's like kind of Scavs just kind of roaming around outside, they're not really a threat. They're just kind of there.

Kotton  48:04 
Because like, it actually follows the lore as well. Most of the quests say like the dorms were taken over by Scavs, they all live there and yada, yada so put more in there. You know, that's all I'm thinkin'.

Nikita  48:15 
I like this idea. And I just want to say that it's, we we plan to increase the Scavs, Scav amount, like, with the bosses, it will be a really cool feature, you will definitely love this feature. With the bosses we plan to increase the amount of Scavs to be more organized like bunches of scavs, roaming around in an organized way. But, as you mentioned, it's linked to, uh, performance. Yes, we are. Yeah, and right now we are working on it like the for two months we rewriting the Unity of physics from scratch, because we like we open this secret for us, like the main reason of low performance in the game.-- it's not about, you know, graphical settings. It's about physics--

Klean  49:10 
It's CPU rendered because we were talking about the colliders, right?

Nikita  49:14 
Yeah. And there's lots of physics, lots of lots of physical colliders and the bugs in the Unity engine that performs like full world rescan in terms of-- you know, it's like technical things. So for, for example, the Shoreline has a lot of this physical stuff, lots of physical colliders, like several times more than it's like Customs. And this is why the shoreline is so like, freezing stuttering and stuff. So it's like the first, the first reason of it, it's because of physics and we are optimizing it right now. And we plan to release the huge part of this physics optimization in this patch. It will be not final but you will get the point; you will see the difference. Yeah, the second one...and the second one is the animation optimization, the inverse kinematics optimizations. It's also taking a huge part of performance and the graphical performance or is in first place. So graphic, like graphical--

Kotton  50:22 
Oh, yeah, yeah, there's no doubt because we actually see the difference, like what you're talking about with physics and items, like I can go on Customs and get, you know, 70,80 FPS, but if I go on Woods, it's it's like 144 FPS capped all day, you know? Just because Woods has less stuff in it, you know?

Nikita  50:40 
Yeah. And so this is like, a prioritized I thing in development right now. we want to make sure that we will get rid of this. And as I said before, the optimization potential of a game is still very, very big. So yes, we can make the game better and we will make the game better.

Kotton  51:01 
Oh we already know you will it just takes time. That's why we tell you to kind of ignore the kids who just scream "fix your game" because they don't know. It just takes a while. We know we have patience.

Nikita  51:15 
And...we will be able to add more scavs.

Klean  51:18 

Nikita  51:19 
So we will yeah we will add more more of them. We need to do, to do it because we will have this "Boss Scavs". It's a really cool feature--, unique stuff.

DeadlySlob  51:29 
Since you're talking about Scavs--could I just been in here for a quick sec? So right now you guys implemented, if you flip a Scav off, they'll get pissed off and start shooting at you as a Scav, which is genius. And you can also get them to follow you sometimes and sometimes like leave me alone, right? They'll just get angry with you. Do you guys plan on expanding that system more?

Nikita  51:49 
Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz the whole the whole new feature with the Scav Bosses is full of this kind of you know, features; with, you know, some secret and concealed communications with the Scavs in terms of gestures and you know something. It will be good. It will be very, very interesting and and right now we have a-- I just said to our AI programmer and the person who leads this task I said to him, "make them hard".

Nikita  51:54 
...make them hard. So, not hard like they will shoot you, like, instantly--

Klean  52:36 
Like aim bot, right?

Nikita  52:38 
Yeah, they need to behave like real, like, like real--

DeadlySlob  52:42 
Tough challenge...

Nikita  52:44 
Yeah, and they need to be hard not by increasing their health points, and not by adding the armor, although they will have armor of course, but they will need to be in tactical way more complex than the typical stupid Scav roaming around and to--

Kotton  53:02 
Have you guys also considered, um, maybe wildlife like wolves or maybe like real bears with AKs that hunt us down? [All laugh]

DeadlySlob  53:12 
Laser bears?

Kotton  53:14 
But for real things like wolves, bears all that you would even have to give them guns so that's got to save you on performance too right?.....No bears? Damn it! No bears!

Multiple at once  53:26 
[overlapping speech]

Kotton  53:30 
I just want to walk up to a bear and make friends with it, you know?

DeadlySlob  53:34 
Get it to follow you

Nikita  53:35 
Don't flip the bear...

Multiple at once  53:37 
[overlapping joking responses]

Nikita  53:43 
I think we have some kind of some kind of this wildlife in plans. Like we as I remember we planned to add some dogs, like just just for just for you know...

Kotton  53:59 
Like to Scav watchdogs are something?

Nikita  54:02 
They will not be like combat like combat dogs, it will be more like Division dogs, like, to enrich environment. So to make atmosphere--

Kotton  54:11 
Okay, yeah.

DeadlySlob  54:12 
Like stray dogs--

Klean  54:13 
Stalker dogs! Those dogs are rugged.

Nikita  54:16 
Okay. Yeah, this this is it. Yeah.

Klean  54:20 
All right. So I guess we can go ahead and move on to our next talking point and this is one of the reasons why I wanted DeadlySlob here on the podcast...Skills-- how they're leveled and how they affect your character. So one thing-- and I'm not trying to call you out Deadly-- but you know skills right now they have a really adverse effect on your performance like Strength is extremely crazy: runs super fast to jump super high, Recoil Control drastically reduces recoil, which, you know, again makes sense if you're skilled shooter you can control a gun well. You know, Endurance, you know, there's no weight effect on your character for running but I know that's a planned feature and stuff like that. So what's like one way we can kind of balance out skills so that people don't have to like basically keep spamming you know, to level up like putting a bunch of pineapple juice in their backpack and drinking it every raid or going into raid with a bajillion grenades and throwing--

DeadlySlob  55:08 
Lots of pineapple juice--

Kotton  55:09 
Give them, like, give them diarrhea and you die from it.

DeadlySlob  55:13 

Nikita  55:17 
I like I can counter argument all the things like they will be we will add the feature...try to name it. Like you will not be able to drink a lot--

Klean  55:31 
Like you'll have a stomach--like you have a stomach?

Nikita  55:33 
Yeah! You will have you will have the "full stomach" and this will be like a debuff for you.

Klean  55:38 
Oh, yeah, if you eat a lot in real life, you can get stomach eggs. He'll be like full, cramp up--

Kotton  55:42 
They actually do that in Day Z where if you're to stuffed your guy will start puking and that'll mess you up, if you're in combat, you know?

Klean  55:48 
Slow you down.

Nikita  55:49 
Yeah...the secon--The second one: we really want to make a skill rebalance to this patch but we don't have a full list of of them. Like we need to make, like the half of the skills more. And the idea is we will create the whole, like, chart the whole table of skill-- of the skills, and we will balance them eventually.

DeadlySlob  56:16 
Yeah, and I'll chime in here because like, I think one one way to balance it or one thing that at least we've been doing in my channel is finding the most efficient ways of getting your character stronger. And I mean, I've created videos on that and I don't know if you guys have seen it, Nikita but I mean, you can use the community's feedback to basically help balance that system out. You know, for example, like sitting in a bush and like purposely dehydrating yourself to take pain damage to level up your stress resistance. Of course, like that's something that needs to be balanced out. You know, you wouldn't, you know, running into like a map with again, like you said, like a backpack full of pineapple juice and just having your bladder full like you get shot and you're just leaking pineapple juice.

Kotton  56:58 
Well, and I think I actually was thinking about that. There is an elegant solution similar to the way MMOR PGS do it. Let's say for every one level that your character levels up, that'll maybe unlock, like two more possible strength points that you could level up. That way, you can't be level one--

Klean  57:15 
Soft cap--

Kotton  57:15 
--rank, you know, yeah, basically, you put some kind of a cap on it based on your player level, and you're restricted.

Klean  57:20 
I mean, you can make it to where, like, so the skills level up to 51, the max player level is 100. And, you know, speaking for, like, you know, way later down the line. So if you're--go ahead, Nik.

Nikita  57:30 
Yeah, well, I wanted to say that I usually take the, uh, uh, take the idea of development, like you need to implement the the general feature in general and then to, to, like, improve it with the help of the user experience.

DeadlySlob  57:47 

Nikita  57:48 
So it's really it's a really hard task to make innovative kind of game, just from scratch in in one attempt. So you need to know...lots of iterations.

Klean  58:01 
Well just like many things to the game like nothing nothing is really considered final maybe besides like a weapon texture and animations--

Nikita  58:07 
I'm constantly writing down the ideas constantly like I have a little documents like Google Docs and Telegram I constantly read something good, something good about the game, how-- it's like quality of life improvements, like lots of them. And even now we are talking and I'm writing them down, writing them down. So it's a constant thing for me to give--so filter this flow of information.

Klean  58:39 
Of course.

DeadlySlob  58:39 

Kotton  58:40 
And that's why we love you because we know that you're always listening. Yeah, and we give you shit but you know, we love you.

Klean  58:45 
We love you, man. You work so fucking hard. And you you stress out too much, man. You need a spa day.

Nikita  58:50 
Yeah, this that's that's true. So I think I think it's time to show something more.

Klean  58:56 
Okay. Let's go ahead now let's shown off this APS pistol. I'm sure people want to See this.

Nikita  59:00 
Okay. Yeah, APS is the first fully automatic pistol in the game. It's a "papa PM"--

Klean  59:06 
Papa! [attempts Russian phrase].

Kotton  59:13 
Chat we see you. Calm down we're gonna ask in a minute. Calm down.

Nikita  59:17 
This gun is a favorite Russian Spetsnaz handgun. Old and reliable.

Klean  59:23 
It looks awesome. How big is the magazine?..Twenty?

Nikita  59:29 

Klean  59:30 
Do we have-- will we have extended mags?

Nikita  59:33 
I don't think they're--yeah, yeah-- so I don't think they are exist.

Klean  59:38 

Nikita  59:38 

Kotton  59:39 
Wow! look at that double stack mag.

Kotton  59:40 
Yeah. There's a lot of recall on that thing too. Holy crap.

Kotton  59:44 
And [inaudible] a window. Oh, there's a stock on. Oh, look at him go.

Nikita  59:48 
Let's, uh, let's, uh, oh, yeah.

Kotton  59:51 
From pistol to carbine hunting rifle. Look at that.

Klean  59:54 
That's awesome. I can't wait to use this.

Nikita  59:57 
The recoil like, is really really-- it's like in real life--

Klean  1:00:01 
Well it's a full auto pistol--

Nikita  1:00:02 
Yes, full auto.

Kotton  1:00:03 
Oh, okay. We got like a little Uzzi now, I like it!

Klean  1:00:06 
It's not Yes, I can easily control but it'd be a great sidearm. And that's actually something that I'm looking forward to this next patch. Now that ammo loading is coming in, you know, players aren't always just gonna bring in one primary bunch of ammo now it might be a good idea to bring in a pistol--bringing a secondary rifle or something--

DeadlySlob  1:00:19 
Like sidearms have a purpose--

Klean  1:00:21 

DeadlySlob  1:00:21 
Because of the face hit markers too--

Klean  1:00:22 
Exactly. The one thing I'm actually really excited about the faces hit box is it's gonna remove the oh so "leg meta"-- that doesn't exist-- because it'll-- now skilled shots will now, will now count; you'll be able to shoot people in the face so it'll be more worthwhile to shoot somebody in the face instead of just aiming for their legs. Which I think is freaking great. I can't I can't wait for that.

Kotton  1:00:25 
I mean, "leg meta" is a thing and it's not going to go away unless you add leg armor which is impractical, but maybe if they added some kind of diminishing returns like like every additional shot to the leg does a little bit less damage or something because there's only so much damage you could cause the one limb--

Klean  1:00:59 
I know one feature that's planned is "unconscious state" so eventually if you get shot in the leg you, bleed out you'll pass out. You Won't you won't be dead.

Nikita  1:01:06 
First of all, first of all guys, I don't know what you're talking about [all laugh]. Leg meta--

Kotton  1:01:13 
"It doesn't exist!"

Nikita  1:01:16 
But, but for real, we-- I'm like, I'm swearing you. We like removed from the Scav vision the, you know, the existence of legs. But still, it's like we constantly get the leg meta, leg meta thing. And we-- I think it's-- this is why the Scav, the Scav trying to, like, target you in the center of mass of your body. Like, it's like the chest. But when he--when the Scav shoots with Toz there is a lot of, like, bullet drop--

Klean  1:01:59 
Pellets going everywhere.

Nikita  1:02:01 
Yeah. And if if you can imagine, if you will target the chest or even stomach, they will drop--the projectiles will be it will be dropped to the legs. This is why leg meta exists in kind of way, b--

Klean  1:02:19 
So it does exist!...

Multiple at once  1:02:22 
He said it! He said it! [Deadly talking but drowned out]

DeadlySlob  1:02:27 
...down. So it could also be a bug because like if you ever get really close up to a Scav, their gun will point straight at your toes, right?

Kotton  1:02:34 
Yeah, I've seen that too. When you get up on them, they actually can't make up their mind. They'll hit your head, feet, aim, like, you know, they go up and down--

Klean  1:02:42 
That's one thing that makes me-- reminds me too--I remember--there's that one annoying bug when Scavs, they'll be able to collission--the gun will be up--and yet they can still shoot you. You know what I mean?

Kotton  1:02:49 
Well, I think that that's just part of the you know, server delay or whatever, because he's probably actually aiming at you from his vision.

Klean  1:02:57 
Makes sense.

Kotton  1:02:57 
I mean, like there's there's all lot of stuff that will get better by just, like, the netcode improvements, you know? Like the doors and all that. All that stuff will get better in time.

Nikita  1:03:10 
It's it is better already. [laughter from Klean]

Kotton  1:03:14 
Oh, it's better already but we don't want you to slacking now.

Klean  1:03:17 
We got a long way to go... [Kotton laughs]

Nikita  1:03:20 
Yeah this patch will also...[long pause]...the netcode improvements, of course--

Klean  1:03:28 
It's not final but it is a step forward. As long as we're going forward, not backwards that's what matters--

DeadlySlob  1:03:32 
I mean, whatever you guys did a couple patches ago was noticeable, especially if you play the Factory. Like, it was huge. So that whatever you guys did then--

Nikita  1:03:41 

DeadlySlob  1:03:41 
...made a big impact.

Nikita  1:03:41 
And on shoreline, this nightmarish kind of like lagging and stuff, it's also because of physics. So we will--like we are hunting the two animals right now. We and, yeah, it will get rid of this kind of problem. It will be better in general for the whole project. So, yeah, let's hope.

Klean  1:03:43 

Nikita  1:03:46 
Okay, what's the next point?

Klean  1:04:12 
Well, we've actually gone over all our talking points now. And we're about an hour and ten minutes into the podcast. So hopefully we could maybe like two hours. So I think maybe what we could do is start opening up questions and hopefully this could create a little bit more discussion.

Nikita  1:04:27 
So let me let me say "hi" to the Russian community. Is it okay?

DeadlySlob  1:04:32 

Nikita  1:04:33 
I can speech--

Klean  1:04:34 
Yeah go ahead. Speak Russian. Do your, do your thing Nik.

Nikita  1:04:36 
Yeah, Thanks. [Begins to speak in Russian][I'll leave the ridiculous, unedited, speech-to-text transcription for fun] Doggy data. So garage linear. Simply we don't associate is Ross position receiving into your cough Escape from Tarkov. bushes for spasiba. So Chris EU citizen Tonto translates to snowless kimsey gay University which is a law degree from Mississippi Almost any religious tradition, can you start watching universe notary Miss Donna Dillard yacht bulkhead by Jordan Mo. Muto Muslim novices comm negocios Diaz so it isn't a nice piece of popular surfer to us and he believed in on these keys Aikido when he would just rational easily able to do it now listen this music here, he officiated this music you should never go to St. Paul's church and you pretty much chose your preschool. So it's not the right vehicle to scuba. ski. He or the shortest possible so slimy, maybe like a parody on a podcast and Roskam Pataki would know Yeah, mulaskey WCW missed, or he noticed. He got a rosca. years ago with a prince upon neglecting a choral worship, this principle isn't Kotori when you might convince me a global order. It's almost a waste. was a new piece of furniture consecration upon this condition. [ends Russian] So I was talking about some stuff--

Klean  1:04:43 
Seems legit..

DeadlySlob  1:05:05 
I understood all of that.

Multiple at once  1:06:10 
[overlapping joking responses]

Nikita  1:06:14 
I have a bunch of questions from Russian community--

Klean  1:06:16 

Nikita  1:06:17 
It's-- they translated in English so I just, you know, quickly answered them like really really fast.

Klean  1:06:24 
We can do, we can do, English and then Russian if that's okay?

Nikita  1:06:27 
I can I will, I--[frustraded with trying to speak English sounds][all laugh] I will do it in English. So! [reads question] "When the armor protection, especially headwear will be adjusted to real values? Any blunt force injuries planned?" [/reads] Yes, its planned and armor protection, uh, constantly rebalancing right now. It's also linked to the amount of content. Like in this patch, we will add five or six more help helmets, new helmets, so different-- yeah, different classes of protection and it's still not enough and there is a slight you know, not realistic thing about about head wear protection. Like you know, you don't have like this kind of protection from the full 7.62 sniper rifle ammunition. It will pierce your helmet like Ops Core, Fast MT is not a-- is not "OP" in real life as it is it's in Escape from Tarkov. So it will be changed with the addition of several new items and it, it really depends on it.

Nikita  1:07:48 
The second one [reads] "Will it possible to lose clothing customization items?"[/reads] No.

Nikita  1:07:52 
[Reads] When will be introduced modularity of tactical vests, load bearing system body armor, etc?" [/reads] Uh, really soon, really soon.

Nikita  1:08:01 
[Reads] "Will the place of NATO weapons change so-- Will the PRICE of NATO weapons change so we could see PMCs with them more often? [/reads] Good question. In this patch we--I think we lowered the prices of Western weapons like MP5 and P226 and stuff. So, yeah we're trying to blend this like the Western and like U.S. weapons and European weapons. They should not be so expensive.

Nikita  1:08:34 
[Reads] "Is it possible to give better PMC discount from some Trader-- Prapor, Prapor-- and USECs to get a discount from a Peacemaker. This would really fit into lore." [/reads] It's-- that's--this is also what's what's you, Kotton, told told like before. To have--

DeadlySlob  1:08:54 
Certain Traders faction dependent.

Kotton  1:08:56 

Nikita  1:08:56 
Good idea. Good idea. We will definitely write, write this down.

Nikita  1:09:01 
[Reads] "When should we expect the uniform Trader? Will multicam uniform really available to both factions or only to one?" [/reads] I answered this already. There will be new Trader soon. Like the art of it will be available next week; new are of new Trader. I don't know how to name it. Maybe it's a good idea--

Klean  1:09:21 
It should be like some European fashion--fashionista.

DeadlySlob  1:09:24 
It should be a European Kotton with a beanie and multiple different colored beanies.

Multiple at once  1:09:31 
[overlapping quips]

Nikita  1:09:33 
Uh, the next one. [reads] "[inaudible] really possible to blow yourself up with a grenade? How about [inaudible] vitality to shoot yourself if you do not want to surrender?" [/reads] Okay, Day Z stuff. Day Z stuff. Uhh..the cook-- the grenade cooking. It's like, I, uh, I under-- I understand this question. "Will it be such kind of thing as a grenade cooking?" Yes, of course.

Nikita  1:09:58 
Um, next one. [reads] "The UBGL in the game will only be for AK or for AR system too? Which underbarrel grenade launcher are planned in the game? [/reads] UBGL, as I remember, it's like only for M4--

Klean  1:10:12 
The, the, uh, I can't remember. It's the three-twen--

Nikita  1:10:16 
Ah! UBGL! It's not MGL, oh shit, MGL--

Klean  1:10:21 
The multi-grenade launcher. That's the cylinder.

Nikita  1:10:24 
UBGL, underbarrel grenade launcher. It will be all for AK it will be for AR System and it will be-- it will be such kind of thing as standalone version of it like is there...

Kotton  1:10:39 
Okay so there's gonna' be an actual grenade launcher as well--

Nikita  1:10:42 
Yes! yes, yes.

Klean  1:10:44 
There's an M203, GP25...

Nikita  1:10:45 
GP35, GP30, the GP34--

Klean  1:10:50 
Oh my god...

Nikita  1:10:51 
M [stutters a bit] M203...

Klean  1:10:56 
The M320 like the army on that goes to the side?

Nikita  1:10:58 
Yeah, the, the one fancy one for France UBGL. Lots of--like the whole line up--

Klean  1:11:07 
Were you guys also gonna' add the MGL which is like that six cylinder grenade launcher that would be--

Nikita  1:11:12 
Of course, of course. Yeah, of course.

Klean  1:11:15 
Oh my goodness

Multiple at once  1:11:19 
[overlapping speech]

DeadlySlob  1:11:22 
I was gonna say, do you guys have any plans on how you're bouncing out the grenade launchers at this point? Have you ever thought about that?

Klean  1:11:29 
Rare and expensiv--

Nikita  1:11:31 
I can see how you...I can smell the fear.

DeadlySlob  1:11:33 
A little fear but we also had fear about the thermal and that was no big deal.Yeah.

Nikita  1:11:40 
I believe that we will make this suitable like we will make it right. Believe us. I think it will be not like in the you know any other Call, Call of Duty orl stuff, because it will be expensive and hard to operate like in real life.

Kotton  1:12:00 
Yeah, well I I think also just the sheer fact of how in depth you guys go with the realism and Tarkov like the ballistics and everything. It's not gonna be like CoD where people just know where to aim. You're gonna actually have to range that thing and I think people need to realize it's probably gonna be a chore to use a grenade launcher Honestly.

Klean  1:12:16 
I can imagine that the rounds will either be rare and or expensive too.

Kotton  1:12:20 
Yeah, and then and then and then people worry about Factory but there's also things like you know minimum travel distance before they're able to actually blow--

Nikita  1:12:26 
Yes, yes, yes--

Klean  1:12:28 
So people don't need to be that afraid.

Nikita  1:12:30 
[Nikita speaks Russian].

Kotton  1:12:33 
Hey, hey, hey, hey! [Nikita laughs wikedly]

Nikita  1:12:40 
I said only kind words about you right now--

Kotton  1:12:43 
I bet you did. Any Russians and Chad helped me out? [All laugh]

Nikita  1:12:49 
Okay, the next one and we will show something more in video, video things. [reads] "Is every part of the body going to get a separate treatment? Also we will there will be separate animation for all medical supplies?" [/read] There will be a bunch of animations for for every like consumable item medic-- medications and food. For now, yes, so is this linked to a future big feature called medic medical apply of like deal like without any weapon use or something so it will be not in this patch but in the next one.

Klean  1:13:27 
You know, actually, I wanna I want to ask you to Nik cuz I know you guys are planning on enhancing a lot of the animations and I noticed like right here in the video if you notice the the when he is reloading see his head now he's actually like looking down at his mag and stuff because before he just be like straight static and looking forward. What kind of like animations are you guys planning on doing as far as like just general character movement to make it more immersive and or like just more fluid? What kind of animations--

Nikita  1:13:52 
Lots of animations. Like, we, we, we, for a half, like, four, four months. We will re-[stutters] reanimmating the whole like the whole bunch of animations-- character animations right now. I personally don't, don't like the animations of--current animations--current of state of animations--

Kotton  1:14:11 
I think that most people would like to know about like vaulting or climbing--

DeadlySlob  1:14:16 
Yeah, that's a huge one.

Kotton  1:14:16 

Klean  1:14:18 
Oh, yes

Nikita  1:14:19 
There will be the vaulting and climbing and everything that you want [a bit sarcastically]

Kotton  1:14:25 
Everything we want? Oh, snap! [Nikita laughs]

Nikita  1:14:28 
That's the first mistake that it took like--

Kotton  1:14:31 
Yeah, don't ever-- don't ever say that because then Reddit it will quote you and be like "I didn't get everything I wanted"

Nikita  1:14:36 
Hi Reddit!

Kotton  1:14:38 
"Klean, Klean said, okay?" Like--

Klean  1:14:40 
"Klean said. I hate to Klean. You should-- you should be fired".

Nikita  1:14:44 
The Reddit is-- I think the Reddit is another them for the podcast you know this [inaduible] that's the only thing them for the next podcast. So, um, not everybody (limb) will get the separate treatment animation. This is too hard. You know? This is lots of animations--

Klean  1:15:02 
Oh, yeah, for legs, torso, chest--

Nikita  1:15:04 
Although--although it's a good, it's a good idea but it's really hard to make like different animations different medications different oh man--

Klean  1:15:12 
I think, I think that's where, you know, realism and fun will kind of start to break and not only that it's a lot of work to animate everything for every single limb and for each specific thing that you're using.

Nikita  1:15:23 
[Reads] "Will there be an opportunity animation of boosting a teammate to vault the high fences?" [/read] Oh!

Klean  1:15:29 
Like a-- yeah, that's kind of cool--

Kotton  1:15:31 
Like a team climb--

Nikita  1:15:32 
The who-- yeah, the whole team like interaction it's another advanced feature and right now it's also negotiate-able and like in progress so it will definitely be the medication things to heal up to boost up you're-- like, something is losing thier, like, shit, and you have to boost it with the with the morphine or adrenalin--

Klean  1:15:43 
"My shit!"

Nikita  1:15:55 
Like in the back. So, so, so he could [stammers] to increase sharpness so, um, and several other things like, uh...I could tell you more, you know?

Klean  1:16:10 
You know, I actually have a question. I have a question for you Nik. So since you're talking about team play, and I see a lot of people wanting me to ask this in the chat. So a lot of people including myself, Kotton, Deadly like we like solo play, because you know, it's really easy for us to run around and kind of do our own thing not to worry about anybody and just kind of kill whatever we want to kill. How exactly, uh, what are your plans to orient the game for a team play versus solo play? Because I know that your guys's goal is to make this really awesome, you know, group squad based shooter because in my opinion the best firefights in the game are when it's two teams fighting each other just like the EFT trailer, you know? Even at the end like the two the USEC and the BEAR, they team up to fight the Scavs. You know how exactly are you going to develop it to, you know, support solo players and or cripple them or...

Nikita  1:16:52 
To play efficiently. W-- in a team, you need to behave properly like in real life-- a combat pair or something like squad--

Klean  1:17:03 
Having a marksman--

Nikita  1:17:04 
You need to...Yeah, you need have to understand some, some, something specific like tactics and operating in different kind of environments. The good example of it is ARMA. You are playing ARMA right now. As I said, I played ARMA a lot and it's really hard-- like it's harder to play ARMA when you have a fireteam more than two.

Klean  1:17:29 
Yeah, I agree.

DeadlySlob  1:17:30 

Nikita  1:17:30 
It's so it's so hard to cooperate because, man it's really hard--

Kotton  1:17:35 
There's just too many people on comms and everything is just too chaoti--

Nikita  1:17:37 
So the lone-wolf thing in Escape from Tarkov is a good thing because you don't need to take care about--

Kotton  1:17:45 
I think that what he was asking is is it still going to be possible or viable to be a lone-wolf at, like--

Nikita  1:17:50 
Yes, of course--

Kotton  1:17:51 
Towards, towards the end of the development cycle, you know?

Nikita  1:17:54 
Yes, yes, of course, there will be some we will we will try to...I know the, the the idea is simple: we need to make some some kind of, like, world or environment so simulate the real life battle, real life combat and this is it. So you have enough, you have enough-- have enough experience like in game or even in real life and you're like working alone-- worked alone-- you can do the trick in the game and we will make...We will give the player as much ability as possible to simulate this lonewolf-ing thing so...That's that's the idea. So the last question and we will show something new.

Nikita  1:18:06 
Um...[searches for question][reads] "Will there be an opportunity to blow open the door?"

Klean  1:18:46 
Mmm. Breaching charges. Yes.

Kotton  1:18:47 
Breaching, yeah...

Nikita  1:18:50 
Breaching charges. [exhales]...What about the your your leg?

Multiple at once  1:18:55 

Klean  1:18:55 
[in Russian accent] "Can I breach the legs?"

Nikita  1:19:01 
I think also the the whole door feature like advanced in that document everything is advanced...and advanced door feature is, uh, consists of different type of additions like code, uh, code breaking, and coded locks. Armored doors, different types of interaction with doors, like, you know soldiers throw grenades...knock-- like even you can even knock on the door and..."knock knock who's there?" Yeah, and, uh, we just need to see how this feature will be implemented. So--

Kotton  1:19:42 
Well that's a good idea. Like you said maybe not even necessarily door breaches, but just destructible doors like grenades would hurt the door or like, you know--

Nikita  1:19:50 
Yeah, this is the thing is planned: the shotgun breaching on and--

Kotton  1:19:54 
Oh, sweet.

DeadlySlob  1:19:55 

Nikita  1:19:56 
Okay! Time to show something. [mumbles in Russian]...

Klean  1:20:01 
I showed the helmets off when you're talking about the helmets. They know...

Nikita  1:20:07 
Oh, you show them?! Showed them?

Klean  1:20:09 
Yeah I show--yeah, I was-- when you're talking about how it's I figured, it was like, might as well show it off while you're talking about it.

Nikita  1:20:12 
Okay, there's only three helmets's all just-- we...we recorded today there will be more.

Klean  1:20:24 
I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure we showed everything off.

Nikita  1:20:27 

Klean  1:20:30 
Uhhh...hold on...

Nikita  1:20:32 
It's like new foregrip for AKM--

Klean  1:20:35 
I noticed the new muzzle brake on there too. That thing looks awesome--

Nikita  1:20:37 
No, n--yeah. New new muzzle break also...[long pause while they watch the video]

Nikita  1:20:48 
So?..[more silence]

Klean  1:20:50 
I think we're waiting on his video to play.

Nikita  1:20:52 
Oh, yeah..

Klean  1:20:53 
That delay.

DeadlySlob  1:20:54 
Here we go.

Kotton  1:20:55 

Nikita  1:20:56 
So there's a new modular, modular foregrip I'm just kind of shut out.

Klean  1:21:02 
I like it I like the like the the handrail. It looks good. The AKM is like one my favorite guns...

DeadlySlob  1:21:07 
will be LV0A handguard for the M4 also be able to attach the like rails on the side? Similar to the AK here?

Klean  1:21:18 
You can already--

DeadlySlob  1:21:19 
You know how you can fit-- you can buy the individual rails for the bottom?

Nikita  1:21:23 
Oh, I think so. Yeah, I should ask our weapons department.

Klean  1:21:28 
Is that is that really not in? I feel like that's can't put rails on the sid--

DeadlySlob  1:21:31 
You cannot put the side rail on can put it on the bottom but--

Klean  1:21:36 

Nikita  1:21:36 
this is strange thing. I need to ask...

Klean  1:21:39 
Show off the MP5

Nikita  1:21:42 
Yeah, so I think they're not so many left like MP5 [inaudible] and the misc, misc--

Klean  1:21:48 

Nikita  1:21:49 
Miscellaneous, yeah...Okay! Uh...there's more questions so let's continue. [clears throat]

Nikita  1:22:01 
[reads] "Will it be possible to interrupt an animation of treatments or any other?" [/reads] Yes, of course.

Nikita  1:22:07 
[reads] Will the internal organs be simulated? When you get hit in the heart, you'll die instantly?" [/reads]

Klean  1:22:13 
I personally like to see that. That's, that's just me. I like that stuff.

Nikita  1:22:17 
In real life we have another like three, uh, instant, uh, instantly, uh, Instant deaths downs. Instant death h-- hit zones or something. It's heart. It's, uh, spine area. And it's neck. But neck, it's not instant. But definitely, deadly. We planned to add them like at first, but some-- for some reason we decided not to, like, to make them because it it could be really hard for a computation of injuries.

Kotton  1:22:55 
Yeah, I mean, we'd have to get some really dynamic hit-- like full body hitboxes that--

Nikita  1:22:59 

Klean  1:22:59 
Hey, Nikita, real quick. Is it okay if I put the dropbox of the videos you sent me and post that on Reddit so people can go back and download and watch them if they want?

Nikita  1:23:07 

Klean  1:23:07 
No? Okay, okay. Okay.

Nikita  1:23:09 
No, n--

DeadlySlob  1:23:09 

Klean  1:23:10 
I just just want to make sure.

Nikita  1:23:11 
I will, uh...I will combine all these videos and release on channel-- YouTube channel--

Klean  1:23:18 
Okay, perfect. Just wanted to make sure.

Nikita  1:23:20 
I think--

Klean  1:23:21 
I'm sure people clipped a lot of it already and--

Nikita  1:23:23 
Yeah! Yeah, yeah. But, but I-- officially, it will be better that if we upload them in good quality and stuff.

Klean  1:23:31 
Okay. So is it okay if we get into the Q&A section of the podcast?

Nikita  1:23:40 
Yeah, it's okay.

Klean  1:23:41 
Okay. All right guys. I'm gonna turn it off sub only mode so...don't be unreasonable.

Kotton  1:23:46 
I guess I'll just kick it off because people been screaming for two hours. VoIP or voice chat...

Klean  1:23:50 
Yeah, VoIP...

Kotton  1:23:51 

Nikita  1:23:53 
VoIP, uh, it will be. I think after this patch, we will assign somebody of our team to make this feature. We already have a lots of, like, scratches, drafts of implementation of VoIP system. So, yeah, as we said it in our 2018 plans, the VoIP will be implemented for sure. And it's and it's planned for like the next patches.  It's not like to, to, to the end of the year or something--

Klean  1:24:34 
I have a question here. Will weapons ever be banned from Secured Containers? Will you ever be able to not put a weapon in a Secured Container?

Nikita  1:24:45 
I think there will be some some special Secured Containers without the ability to place something in it.

Klean  1:24:51 
Okay. I think that's fair. Like, you know, some Containers can have guns, some can't.

DeadlySlob  1:24:56 
Oh, yeah, like, bigger Containers can have, like, maybe lots of trade items. Like it's-- so it's bigger, but you can't put stuff inside--

Klean  1:25:02 
Maybe like a Secure Container that's only-- like, really big but only for money or like documents or something. Like bitcoins.

Nikita  1:25:07 
Yeah, you're totally right. And this patch it'll be two more new containers. One for-- yeah, yeah, one for medic-- meds, medical items. And the second one is for ammunition. [referring to Stash containtains, not Secure Containers]

Klean  1:25:21 

Kotton  1:25:22 
Oh, cool.

Klean  1:25:22 
That's awesome. How big are they gonna be cell size?

Nikita  1:25:26 
They will be screenshots. Next week.

Klean  1:25:28 
Okay, awesome, fantastic.

Kotton  1:25:31 
And can I just take a moment to address chat? Guys, believe me, we hear you when you're saying "netcode" and "Hideouts" and all this. These are things that are planned and always being worked on. Like literally the netcode gets worked on every patch. So we're trying to get to more...more meaty topics than just everybody bitching about [Klean tries to say something]...Let's just calm that down because they're always working on that. We know Hideouts are coming, like, we're trying to get to the-- yeah, other stuff.

Klean  1:25:57 
Here's a good one. Flea Market! I know player-driven economy is really gonna change the game a lot-- Flea Market, Auction that-- I know that's an open beta test a feature. How's that gonna really change the game, do you think?

Nikita  1:26:11 
Uh...really, really, strong.

Klean  1:26:14 

Nikita  1:26:14 
So yeah, I just, uh, I finished, I finished the design of it like half a month ago. It's really big and complicated at first...the system to trade between between players and, uh, it will definitely have a huge impact on the whole trading system. The prices and stuff so I remember we planned to make it also next patches like VoIP or--and Flea Market in the same bunch of features that we want to add also soon. Yeah, and there will be, like, expanded material about the Flea Market because it's not just about the, like trading. It's, it's like the whole meta-game in the game. So you will be able to, to, you know, make some trading operations and feel like a real trader.

Klean  1:27:17 
That's cool. Because I imagine eventually the economy would be balanced out in a way where you'd have NPC Traders with items, stuff you can find only in the environment, and then those items that you could only find, that would be what would be sold in the player Auction House because you cannot buy those at the Traders you have to go out and find them and work for them and then you can sell it for a high price on the player trading market. I can imagine the loot economy would complement the Traders like that in a really nice way.

Nikita  1:27:41 
Yeah, the loot economy will, like, react to a trade-- to a trading system also, oh, no, that's not that way. Otherwise, otherwise, the trader system-- the trading system will react to looting system. So--

Klean  1:27:56 
Actually, I saw a good question leading into this: Traders. Right now the current system is just a restock on a manual timer. What are the plans to make the NPC Traders a little bit more dynamic and interesting?

Nikita  1:28:07 

Yes...[long pause][someone chuckles] Yes, uh, the AI-driven, like, uh, AI Traders is a thing. We plan--we planned, we planned it, uh, at, like, long time ago but right now we're focusing on other, other things and with the, with this, with this new future as called as Flea Markets we will add this AI. Some, some points of this whole system like the Traders will react more human.

Klean  1:28:40 

Nikita  1:28:41 
In different--

DeadlySlob  1:28:41 

Nikita  1:28:41 
In different situations. Yea--

Klean  1:28:43 
I like that. Let's see another question. People want to know a little bit, uh-- we talked about this yesterday-- a little bit more about the lore and I know you're starting this next patch, there'll be some more quests and I know you're working on like, some of the really good "story missions" and I know you write a lot in the lore. Can you think you could, uh, without maybe spoiling it too much, uh, tell us a little bit about the lore that'ss gonna be coming to EFT?

Nikita  1:29:02 
Yeah, I can tell you in general that yes, there will be such a thing. It's like the huge part of the game called story, story quests. It's like story mode like actual lore thing. get into the plot, the synopsis of a game and you you will be able to understand, uh, the mysteries of Tarkov like...who's the Scavs-- who are Scavs-- who or what's Terra Group, uh, what's going on...The cultists also. And there will be lots of really cool, really cool and interesting quests about them and...and they will differ from a current quest system because right-- your current quest system, it's like, to, to fill up the the gap like to fill up--

Klean  1:30:00 
Like, give purpose?

DeadlySlob  1:30:01 
Give us something to do. [all agreeing]

Nikita  1:30:03 
Yes, yes. And this quest will be like your own investigations. It's like ...your character will react to this quest and they will start like, you will see something important, and the quest will trigger.

Klean  1:30:18 
Hmm! Okay, so it'll be dynamic. It'll be dynamic so you can stumble across---

Nikita  1:30:22 
Single, single player experience, you know? It's super cool. I personally I'm, I'm loving what, it's what, uh, I am like, coming up with the quest system, with the story of story-driven quest system and it will be really cool. For me, it's like the most interesting part of the game right now. Although it's a game about you know, weapons modding, and, and combat situations, I really love the idea that such kind of game could be enriched with the quests and lore and you know, some emotions linked to something. It's not like a brutal, brutal, like man, man kind of game. It's like quests, like maybe even some cutscenes or something we'll see, we'll see.

Klean  1:31:13 
And that kind of brings me to another thing kind of going back on making a game that will make everybody happy. And one thing that one of the first things that kind of got me into EFT was the fact that you guys want to kind of do multiple different things like you have our story based raid missions will eventually have the open world and also the Arena mode. And like the Arena mode will satisfy the needs of the people who just want to come in and fight in the open world mode will satisfy that people who want to go out and explore and then the the rain mode with the stories will satisfy the people who are looking for that kind of story driven experience. That's one of the things I think that in the future is going to be really cool for Tarkov is it'll be a game and a shooter or survival shooter that will literally satisfy the needs of all kinds of people who enjoy those types of shooters. And--

Nikita  1:31:52 
Yeah, but and the idea is not just to make-- like, the goal for us, it's not just to make the game suitable. We just want to make the game that re-reimplementing the real world like...something some something to get lost into.

Klean  1:32:11 

Nikita  1:32:11 
Something to get away from it from, from, from real life but like not so, not not so hardcore like to make something useful you know in real life with with the help of EFT.

Klean  1:32:26 

Nikita  1:32:26 
Of course there must be reasonable boundaries of not to, to to make a game as much realistic as like...the game can change your mind.

Klean  1:32:46 

Nikita  1:32:48 
We need to maintain this level of realism it--

Klean  1:32:51 
The game definitely breeds really good atmosphere. Like when you join a battle you feel immersed like you feel-- you're like "Oh shit, I need to be careful Because I'm going to get shot", you know? And I like that. Like some of the things I'd maybe like to see expanded-- maybe the weather system Do y'all have more plans for that? Like--

DeadlySlob  1:33:09 
I see all a lot of questions on seasons.

Klean  1:33:10 
Yeah. Season.

Kotton  1:33:11 

Klean  1:33:11 
Snow. I know snow is DLC, I think right?

Nikita  1:33:14 
Yeah. So the DLC idea is to change of war worlds not in terms of events, it's, but also in terms of seasons. So next will be Autumn. That's DLC after it will be-- like, the whole world, whole EFT environment will change. Even for those who don't have a DLC.

Klean  1:33:38 
That's cool. That's awesome. So it's not really gonna restrict people from buying DLC to in some-- to some extent.

Nikita  1:33:45 
Yes, so even if you don't buy DLC, you will not have ability to play on new locations and have new quests, but you will be able to have new items--

Klean  1:33:53 
I know ARMA does the same thing for their DLC.

Nikita  1:33:57 
There is such kind of game I call Killing Floor.

Klean  1:34:01 

Nikita  1:34:01 
All the DLC stuff you can't pick up-- you can pick up and use it!

Klean  1:34:04 
We have to have that issue in ARMA right now find a DLC gun, I don't the DLC and I can pick it up I'm like, [sighs].

DeadlySlob  1:34:10 
Or if you do somehow pick it up your screen gets complete covered.

Kotton  1:34:13 
You get a bunch of watermarks.

Klean  1:34:14 
Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy!

Kotton  1:34:16 
Ten dollars, guy! Come here guy!

Klean  1:34:18 
Yeah. So another question people had. And this is something that actually has bothered me for a long time is suppressors and their audio and using supersonic rounds with subsonic ammunition. Are there plans to kind of redesign suppressors or maybe make them more rare if the sounds aren't going to change? Because right now they're super quiet.

Nikita  1:34:38 
Let me open the advanced silencers parts.

Klean  1:34:44 

DeadlySlob  1:34:45 
Advanced silencers

Klean  1:34:47 

Kotton  1:34:50 
We need to get inside his computer.

Multiple at once  1:34:52 
[overlapping joking comments]

Klean  1:34:54 
Give us the "NikiLeaks", Nik! Give it to us!

Kotton  1:34:57 
The numbers Nikita, what do they mean?

Klean  1:34:59 
Where's the Matrix overlay?

Nikita  1:35:05 
Let me check. Let me check the page 2,048 just a second.

Klean  1:35:12 
two thousand fourty eight, Jesus...

Kotton  1:35:19 
He's getting his monocle ones.

Nikita  1:35:21 
So there will be, uh, silencer durability fir--fir--firstly and a bunch of features linked to it like you will get more exhaust--

Klean  1:35:35 
Carbon buildup in the weapon lowers durability--

Nikita  1:35:39 
The subsonic ammunition will remove the shock effect. That's the first one and that there will be different kind of audio effects applied to a sound.

Klean  1:35:49 
Specific to ammo because, you know, I'm sure you know supersonic, you know doesn't really-- if you have a suppressor on it, it doesn't really make it that much quieter. And whereas subsonic really does make it very quiet. And then you know, kind of that's the trade off whereas if you subsonic ammo, it drops off like the VSS but it's very quiet whereas if using supersonic it's still quite loud and you can kind of still hear what it is.

Kotton  1:36:10 
Like I think the main thing people are worried about is just that, like the initial shots of suppressors are just too quiet. It doesn't really breed PvP but it kind of breeds confusion at anything over 100 meters if you're shot up by a suppressor you're like here's the air. All you hear is snaps around you you're not actually hearing the directions coming from I think scares people.

Nikita  1:36:29 
The the next, the next thing is the distance of hearing this sounds will be increased.

Kotton  1:36:37 
Okay, great. That's what we want. Yeah.

Nikita  1:36:39 
Yeah. And there will be physical reimplementation or "reeeimplement"--

Klean  1:36:47 

Nikita  1:36:47 
...Of the whole physics of audio transition, likelinked it to a speed of sound, speed of sound speed of yeah--

Klean  1:36:58 
The delay between in the distance ,yeah , the distance because if you shoot a gun shot at 800 meters you're not gonna hear it for a couple seconds.

Nikita  1:37:06 
Yeah, and subsonic ammunition also as you, as you know or maybe not, the energy-- like the amount of powder is low. Yeah and usually when the ammunition that subsonic ammunition is not good-- in a good quality like something...there could be enough and not enough energy to chamber--

Klean  1:37:31 
Oh, yeah, I've seen that happen before actually on a range somebody shooting subsonic and it just wouldn't it, wouldn't, it wouldn't come out and just the bolt would kind of [sound] and then just go back in the chamber.

Kotton  1:37:41 
Yeah, the bolt just does like a halfway-- it's like "nope"--

Klean  1:37:44 
And that actually makes me want to ask you a question. One of my favorite things back in the alpha: weapon jamming. The animations for weapon durability were so cool. And I thought--

Nikita  1:37:52 

Klean  1:37:53 
Go ahead, sorry.

Nikita  1:37:54 
Weapons me like, it's like that you UBGL feature, it's like void waiting and waiting and waiting to be implemented. To be like, with a press of a button literally. Or not literally, because my programmer is listening to this podcast and--

Klean  1:38:12 
"No! Don't say that!"

DeadlySlob  1:38:13 
Yeah, you can currently jam the weapons if you get to like 22 durability--

Multiple at once  1:38:18 
[overlapping talking]

DeadlySlob  1:38:20 
...hard to get to that you have to be really trying to get to that.

Klean  1:38:23 
I think it takes like six or seven rounds to get to that point.

DeadlySlob  1:38:26 
Yeah, we did it. It takes a long time.

Nikita  1:38:28 
Yeah. So yeah, so there is a jamming like game right now but yeah, like, yeah, so, uh, in the special
parts, part called "advanced weapons handling and durability" there will be such things as jams, misfires, and the hard, hard jams. You saw you--

Klean  1:38:51 
Bolt jams showed in the devlog 2016.

Nikita  1:38:54 
Yeah. Different parts of weapon will influence on your dura-durability...forgot the word. Let me Google Translate [hums while he types]...Consumption or rate expense. durability expense rate with the different types of weapon parts.

Kotton  1:39:21 
Okay, so you're saying the better the weapon parts the better the gun will maintain itself before--

Nikita  1:39:25 

Kotton  1:39:25 
...taking damage? Okay, gotcha.

Klean  1:39:27 

Nikita  1:39:27 
Yes the--

Kotton  1:39:29 
Cheap parts lead to a cheap gun, got it.

Nikita  1:39:31 
Yes. Also the spawn-- the weapon spawns will be working in different way in terms of durability. So you will find weapons with different durability...

Klean  1:39:46 
In the environment so like you can find like new gun or shitty guns or whatever. So it's not always going to be brand new guns everywhere.

Nikita  1:39:54 
There also be influence on durability rate...from ammunition, magazines, and barrel durability...

Klean  1:40:03 
So we'll need to replace the barrels on our guns to?

Nikita  1:40:06 

Klean  1:40:09 
Sounds pretty sweet.

Nikita  1:40:12 
And the cool feature like, if you have really, really bad weapon really bad condition, it will have a chance to explode.

Klean  1:40:23 
Would it kill you? 'Cause sometimes that can--it just hurts you?

Nikita  1:40:28 
It just hurt you like it will be like shock effect for you like, "Oh shit"!

Klean  1:40:32 
"My gun blew up! Fuck!"

Kotton  1:40:33 
Dust cover blows off or something? Is over you're talking about? Like pieces come off or?..

Nikita  1:40:37 
Like the dust cover will blown up and I ammunition rounds you split up on the floor on something and you will get some kind of damage to your head. But if you have glasses or protected with a face shield-- oh yeah, the face shields...we'll show you next week. This is really cool stuff. Face shields...Nice My, my favorite, my favorite feature. [inaudible]. So, uh, mmm, this is all about the, the jams and stuff. So like everything-- like nearly everything is already implemented, we just need to finalize it..

Nikita  1:41:20 
You guys like that video? [had been playing a clip of a gun exploding]

Klean  1:41:33 
Yeah, I like that video.

Nikita  1:41:34 
So next question?

Klean  1:41:34 
Let me see here. Let's see here in the chat. What kind of questions you guys got in the chat? You guys--

Kotton  1:41:36 
A lot of people asking about the "karma system" there. Yes.

DeadlySlob  1:41:38 

Nikita  1:41:40 
Karma system. Let me open this part.

Klean  1:41:43 
"Uh, page number three thousand nine hundred sixty two." [long pause] Give us the document, Nik.

Nikita  1:41:51 
And it seems like it's classified for you guys...

Kotton  1:41:57 
You...Ohhh, chat got jabaited. No karma for you

Nikita  1:42:02 
Guys, I really, I can't talk about karma system because it's karma.

Kotton  1:42:07 

Nikita  1:42:07 
You can't underst--

Kotton  1:42:10 
Maybe, maybe--

DeadlySlob  1:42:11 
Nobody understants.

Kotton  1:42:12 
Well yeah, maybe, can I ask you this Nikita? A lot of people have said that they don't feel a need for the karma system in the game because-- like similar to your trailer that Klean plays where you see the BEAR in the USEC meetup and you know, tag team. People fear that that won't happen once the
karma systems in because you're going to be rewarded for killing enemy faction players and things like that.

DeadlySlob  1:42:33 
Hmm, that's a good point.

Nikita  1:42:34 
So first of all, the prereq-- like, not prerequisites, it's like...mmm...let you translate this word...condition. Yeah, this is there is a simpler world--word,to the word "requisition", is like "condition". Yeah. The conditions can vary from map-- from location-- to rate-- from rates to rate. So, on the particular map, you will have the restrictions to kill PMC and this is it so if there there is the such kind of conditions that you're not allowed, like not not--

Klean  1:43:14 
Does that fall under each--

Kotton  1:43:15 
Oh I see!, So, oh, no, no. Okay, so he's talking about maybe we queue in and it'll say like killing any civilians will give you bad karma like killing Scavs or something but you're supposed to kill PMC is with that mission or vice versa. I kind of see what you're saying right like that?

Nikita  1:43:30 
Yeah, it's also to be implemented like the we can't like...mmm...

Klean  1:43:39 
Try not to spoil too much.

Nikita  1:43:41 
No, no no. I'm starting to like forget English words.

Klean  1:43:50 
The net code is affecting Nik's brain--

Nikita  1:43:51 
"Limits", "limits", limits.

Nikita  1:43:54 
Yeah, net code-- net code is lame. [all laugh]

Kotton  1:43:57 
Old memes, right? Old memes.

Nikita  1:43:59 
We just can't limit the game like this. We can't just not allow people to kill each other

Klean  1:44:06 

Nikita  1:44:07 

DeadlySlob  1:44:08 

Nikita  1:44:08 
...if eventually, if it will be or not there will be perfect like, explanation of it. Like, this will be like, linked it to something like you will have purpose.

Klean  1:44:23 
I remember you telling me that--

Kotton  1:44:25 
Maybe it'll tie in with the quest as well?..

Nikita  1:44:27 
Yes yes.

Kotton  1:44:28 

Klean  1:44:28 
I remember you telling me in the past they'll be like specific missions when you go into a raid-- I guess so kind of fall into the same category same thing as a Scav and stuff like that in order to extract the raid. Do you think you can elaborate a bit on that as well?

Nikita  1:44:40 
Uh, Scav missions?

Klean  1:44:41 
Not necessarily Scav missions, but like either PMCs and or Scavs, like you go into a raid and instead of like-- maybe you don't have a question instead of going in there just killing loot, but you actually have like some kind of task and purpose while you're in there.

Nikita  1:44:51 
Oh, well look here like there could be a location like new location and there will be not any like constant working exits. Like the only exit that will be available if you cooperate is Scavs or--

Nikita  1:45:13 
Ah, okay.

Nikita  1:45:13 
Yeah. So, or you need to or Scav--

Klean  1:45:16 
"Hey you want to party?" [immitating USEC voice]

Nikita  1:45:18 
Yeah. And we can like control this by making such kind of exits like exfiltration points which requires something specific like not just "you go to the to this gate and wait for eight seconds and get exfilled" you will need to, you know, make some connections with the players like the only ex-- the only exfil points needs minimum three persons. Minimum.

Klean  1:45:47 

Nikita  1:45:48 
And you can, uhh, like work with the team but this location can have a restriction to have a team so like only lone-wolf kind of location.So we can test this out.

Klean  1:46:03 
Everything's subject to change. Alright so we're running out of time here. We got about seven minutes left before we hit the two hour mark on the podcast so we really don't want to go over that. I'm sure Kotton and Deadly, they got stuff they have to do today and I'm sure Nik you probably want to go home and sleep. [Nikita yawns] Let's, let's try and see if we got some smaller, little bit more basic questions in the chat. People want to know about ghillie suits. I know those are gonna come. I know those are planned. I could, I could tell you that. I don't know when but "soon tm".

Nikita  1:46:29 
Uh, yeah, about patch, patch release dates. Um...[pauses as Klean's dog barks in the background] Well, what's go going on whith your dog?

Klean  1:46:40 
That's just what my dog does. I'm sorry. [Nikita laughs]

Nikita  1:46:44 
We need-- we want to make this patch beautiful, beautiful for you. And we decided for like, like last days we decided to, uh, to to add the the Shoreline optimization also...and we are trying to make this also in time and also the the whole task, optimization tasks is huge and the more time you have the more-- the better it will be. So it will be soon, like--

Klean  1:47:21 
"Soon TM"?

Nikita  1:47:22 
Yes "soon TM", of course trade mark. We don't, we don't want a laws-- the lawsuits.

Klean  1:47:29 
I mean at the end of the day, I know a lot of the loyal fans all they want is a quality update. And if that takes more time, that's just that's just how it's gonna be. I mean--

Nikita  1:47:37 
Yeah, we-- right now we have a good pace like everything is sorting out, sorting out and we are getting ready, like, really, really, really soon but we just want to make sure everything will work well and every feature and fix will be in place and without any new unpredicted bugs. And other stuff. So we need to, we need to wait like a little more time and there will be a lot of information. Next week, we will show you new videos, new screenshots and, uh, most important, most importantly there will be video of Interchange.

Klean  1:48:22 

Nikita  1:48:23 
That's gonna be exciting.

Klean  1:48:23 
That's gonna be good.

Kotton  1:48:24 
Oh yeah.

Klean  1:48:25 
So, uh chat-- go ahead, go ahead Kotton.

Kotton  1:48:27 
Wait, I was gonna say I have a quick question just before chat has an aneurysm. This patch coming up Nikita: wipe?

Nikita  1:48:35 
Yes, of course.

Kotton  1:48:36 
Okay, there you go, chat. Quit spamming "wipe" now. That's like 90% of chat for the past two years.

Nikita  1:48:42 
Yes, there will be wipe and it's definitely needed wipe because the game will feel in different way.

Kotton  1:48:49 
Okay, can I just ask one more quick thing because you you know you're obviously writing all the scripts and everything and every time I ask this I get total different translation. What does "cheeki breeki" mean?

Nikita  1:49:00 
Cheeki, cheeki, cheeki breeki,'s several-- it's a several like--

Kotton  1:49:07 
That's what I keep hearing. It's like several different translations.

Nikita  1:49:10 
Um for me "cheeki breeki" is a, is a child, uh, like counter, like, like counters. Like child counters to determine who's next or who's taking somewhere, [stammers]...

DeadlySlob  1:49:19 
Like who's making the decision?

Nikita  1:49:30 
Like who makes the decisions. Like separ--separating the crowd into two teams and they use this counter like to separate them. Like, like, like a child, childish some kind of...

DeadlySlob  1:49:44 
They separate the "cheekis" from the "breekis".

Nikita  1:49:46 
Yeah, yeah, and so the, the long one is sounds like: [speaks in Russian] "cheeki, breeki, pile shi quicki". [I typed it phonetically] So "cheeki breeki" and, uh, like, it's really hard to, to explain it to you it's like...I need to make a video with-- [all burst into laughter]

Klean  1:50:07 
It's a pretty big explanation; ten minute video minumum.

Kotton  1:50:10 
It does cuz every time I asked I get a different translation. Like somebody tells me it means "you on top. you on the bottom", "you go first. you go last", "somebody cover me"--

Klean  1:50:19 
I know like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R the "cheeki breeki" like they'll-- that means like they want to shoot you in the head or something like that. I'm sure, I mean--

Kotton  1:50:27 
We already know what, what, what "dickie needles" means that just dickie needles, you know?

Klean  1:50:31 
"Dickie needles". [Kotton snikers]

Klean  1:50:33 
Alright, so guys that's about it for the podcast but I just want to ask you guys so this is our first ever official BattleState Talking Tarkov podcast and I just want to know, in the chat, if you guys would show some love. Do you guys like this? Would you guys like more of this? We guys want to see this again? We had a great turnout. Again, I want to apologize for the delay. We just had some miscommunications about the time slot--

Nikita  1:50:54 
Me too, me too. It was an accident like I was sitting there preparing this with these videos and Klean said, "Where are you? We are starting" or something and I just [makes grunting sound]

Klean  1:51:07 
"You pain in the neck!"

DeadlySlob  1:51:10 
This is awesome. I think it gave the community a lot of answers that they've been asking for a long time. And I think everyone's gonna feel a lot more confident about this upcoming patch too. I know, uh, it did for me.

Klean  1:51:20 
Yeah. So again, if you guys want to see some more of this please like post on social media; let us know that you like this you want to see this again. We can try and make this happen every two weeks or every month depending on-- it obviously all depends really on the pace of the development goes; if you have new stuff to show off, but-- I had a lot of fun. This is really great. It was-- honestly Nikita having you here was a blast. Thank you so much for taking the time, uh, to be here.

DeadlySlob  1:51:42 
Thank you clean to for organizing this and having us on. It's been awesome.

Nikita  1:51:47 
Klean, I, I-- It's a good think it's a good idea to show, guys, the whole lineup of videos. Like, just--

Klean  1:51:54 
In one? Okay, yeah, we'll show 'em all, all, all in a line. Yeah, let's do it.

Nikita  1:51:57 
Yeah, maybe I have-- I'll say something more like the "good words" that they prepared--not prepared to really [clears throat]. I said before, like in the start, the game, uh, process is nothing without the players and our players, EFT players is like a unique type of players which love the hardcore gaming and always hoping that this type of genre will exist. And I personally am such kind of person. I love hardcore gaming. I love really complex and hard games...It's not like hard games, not like like platformers like Cuphead or something. It's like com--complex games like EVE Online, like EFT like some good old RPGs with a lots of mechanics and lots of space to create ideas. To, to make your own kind of gameplay. And...I and love to see that this type of players are exist and their support is phenomenal and it drives us further. We want to continue. So without you, without influencers like you streamers, without like people who support us in any different ways, uh, we will not exist. Like, we, we need, we need this fuel to go on. And, uh, I just want to thank you and-- for your patience at first so you are patient, like not everybody but--

Klean  1:54:04 
Definitely not everybody!..

Nikita  1:54:06 
Yeah. And, uh--

Klean  1:54:07 
Kotton!..kidding! I'm kidding! Don't beat me down!

Nikita  1:54:13 
I don't-- I didn't say that. We feel--

Kotton  1:54:15 
Oh you were thinking it! You were thinking it. It's okay though.

Nikita  1:54:18 
You know, I'm always, uh, thinking about it. You know, I, man--

Kotton  1:54:22 
Naw, dude, listen. You know I love you. You know I love you and the game. You know. I just had to take a break. I was going crazy.

Kotton  1:54:30 
Yeah, we all-- I'm, honestly, I'm not gonna stream Tarkov until the patch is out. I mean, it's nice to take a break, man because like, I'm gonna have a new appreciation for the game.

Kotton  1:54:38 
Well, exactly. We're gonna take a break and come back fresh on the new patch and we're gonna kill it. It's gonna be great.

DeadlySlob  1:54:43 
Everyone is preparing for the crazy twelve-plus hour grind.

Klean  1:54:48 
It's gonna be the wipe, the wipe rush; who's gonna get leveled up first.

Nikita  1:54:54 
[sighs] I just hope that servers will stay-- stand--

Kotton  1:54:58 
Well, I mean, the first couple days we expect lag as everybody is gonna log in. We expect that.

Klean  1:55:06 
It's gonna-- it's bound to happen and it's just like you can't really avoid it. All you can do is kind of get ready for it and just let people know like, "Hey, we're releasing the patch everybody's been waiting for this it's probably gonna be bad for the first couple days" and that's okay. That just is how it is. Hopefully the players will understand if t--

DeadlySlob  1:55:20 
For like like every game that has ever existed ever on patch day and release day.

Klean  1:55:24 unreasonable and bitch like, "this is ridiculous. I cannot get into the server." It's like, well, there's you and like, 10,000 other people trying to play to so, you know, I just is what it is.

Nikita  1:55:33 
Yeah, but as I said, we feel you. We feel you like we, I mean, I personally feel all the pain and I see when it's come to realize-- it's come to the realization that the game like stalled or somehow like it's boring to play or something. I understand and, uh, all I can say that we know where we are going, and it will be great and very interesting. And we definitely need your support. Like...right now and in the future. Yeah, forever. Yeah.

DeadlySlob  1:56:16 
Yeah, you guys keep bringing out the content. I think the community's here.

Kotton  1:56:19 
Oh, yeah

DeadlySlob  1:56:19 
We're here. This is the game we want.

Klean  1:56:21 
I mean--

Kotton  1:56:21 
If you build it, we will come--

Kotton  1:56:23 
I mean, that's the thing with early access games, when development is slow, and it takes time to get patches out, you know, there's, it-- the game isn't finished. So it doesn't matter if it's not popular all the time. Because, you know, you have to wait for more stuff to come out. But, you know, say if the game was finished, and this was done, then yeah, that would be an issue. But it's not done. It's not a finished product. It's not, it's not complete yet, but it will be. And by the time it is complete, it'll probably have so many features and content, and so much replayability that it will last for a long time. And also including DLC, future events, whatever, you know what I mean. So it's just going to take some time and I mean, we've already built such a loyal community, who all love this game and who support it so much that it I honestly don't really see it becoming relevant i don't i don't think that would happen.

Kotton  1:57:03 
Oh no, guys like us...this shit is not gonna fail. This-- EFT is nowhere to go but up, ya know?

Klean  1:57:09 

Kotton  1:57:10 
All the way up

Nikita  1:57:13 
That-- that's good to hear. Thank you very much. Thank you for this podcast. It was really nice to talk you to you and really nice to practice my English.

Klean  1:57:27 
I can't wait till the next one to be honest. We'll have different guests.

Kotton  1:57:29 
It's nice to put a voice with the face.

Klean  1:57:30 

Nikita  1:57:32 
I was...frozen in this old picture like I need to--

Klean  1:57:37 
Get me a new picture or--

Nikita  1:57:39 
Next time I will get the webcam you will see.

Kotton  1:57:42 
You actually haven't blinked the whole stream. Yeah.

Klean  1:57:45 
You okay? You've been holding that gun Nik. Are you gonna shoot me?

Klean  1:57:49 
Oh god, I cannot wait to use this shotgun? This little shorty shotgun.

DeadlySlob  1:57:52 
Yeah, the shorty shotgun in the factory. Ohhh!

Klean  1:57:56 
Do you think you can fix the pump animation? It's really janky sometimes. He like goes like-- he liked rocks his arms up sometimes it's really the ri-- like right now it looks fine. I know there's the delay. But when he has the short barrel like he kind of like this thing like a wave with his arms almost. You know what I mean?

Nikita  1:58:13 
It's I think it's linked to you know, ADS stance. Like, ADS out, ADS in so we need to...We also, in this patch will have a new sway, like weapon sway. It's more realistic--

Klean  1:58:26 
Yeah, I noticed when he's shooting the Saiga is kind of like it kind of like moves under it looks like really natural. Okay, yeah, that is all the videos, though. I guess I'll just do the outro. Alright guys, so I'm looking again. Yeah, everybody who showed up for the podcast. We appreciate you guys so much for being here. Obviously, this turned out to be really good, a lot bigger than I expected to be honest. And hopefully we'll be doing this again. So thank you guys for all your support. I'm going to pass you guys over to some random Tarkov streaming to show this guy some love. Be sure to give this guy-- [Kotton takes off his beanie]

Nikita  1:58:56 
AHA! Look! Look! Look!

Kotton  1:58:59 
What?! Hair!? What!? I'm not bald?!

Nikita  1:59:12 
I was started to watching you guys like seven months-- oh, I just pressed the button. See, like this-- seven months ago, I started to watch streams on Twitch, EFT streams. This was the greatest idea because this particular conversation and like, experience gave me a lot of ideas and a lot of motivation to make the game better and, and different other feelings. [clears throat] So I, I really like the idea to work with you guys, video streams and, and and talk to you and talk with the, the, the community. It's really it's really nice. So thank you all again. Thank you again.

Klean  2:00:05 
No problem.

DeadlySlob  2:00:06 
No problem.

Klean  2:00:07 
All right again guys thank you so much, yeah thank you guys so much everybody in the community. Hope you guys are hyped about the patch. Let's get some hype and love from the fucking chat for Nikita, DeadlySlob, Kotton! I'm sure these guys might be broadcasting lat--

Kotton  2:00:16 
Thank you everybody for joining us.

Klean  2:00:18 
Let's getsome shoutouts in the chat for Deadly as well as Kotton. Be sure to follow these guys, outstanding content creators. Definitely show them some love guys. So...I'm gonna go pass you guys over to some random fucking EFT streamers. [beggins looking through the list of streamers]
DeadlySlob  2:00:29 
Let's go host somebody.

Klean  2:00:30 
Let's see, let's see who's on. I'm trying to find somebody. I don't know...

DeadlySlob  2:00:35 
You guys get ready to make somebody week!

Klean  2:00:37 
Yeah, let's see...

DeadlySlob  2:00:38 
Here we go.

Kotton  2:00:39 
Yeah 7000-viewer raid. Stick with it boys. Oh, look at all that loving and hype! You guys are fantastic. You guys are beautiful people. Yeah, get ready.

Klean  2:00:47 
Who?...Trying to find somebody...

Kotton  2:00:49 
Where we going?

Klean  2:00:50 
I'm trying to-- alright, we're gonna host this guy. I don't know who he is. But he has a beanie on and a cool beard.

DeadlySlob  2:00:55 
He stole Kotton's beanie.

Klean  2:00:56 
Alright guys, peace out. Take care. Thank you guys for everything and I'll let you know when the next podcast is. Thank you again.

Kotton  2:01:02 
Peace ladies....

Klean  2:01:06 
Oh fuck! He went offline!

Kotton  2:01:07 
Shit! Transfer! Quickly! Transfer itto somebody else! Quickly!

Klean  2:01:12 
This guy.

DeadlySlob  2:01:13 
Find somebody else!..Dude that guy just missed out on the opportunity of his life.

Klean  2:01:19 
See who this guy--

DeadlySlob  2:01:20 
Look at this guy. Watch this...

Unknown Speaker  2:01:21 
[cuts to the other stream and ends]

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